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Sindh Plans New Tax on Expensive Private Schools

June 28, 2024
written by Sidra Batool

The Sindh government has come up with a new plan to raise money for education. They want to add a small tax to some private schools in the area. This idea was announced by Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah during a recent government meeting.

Sindh Plans New Tax on Expensive Private Schools featured image

The plan is to charge a 3% tax, but only on very expensive schools. These are schools that ask for more than 500,000 rupees per year in fees. That’s about 42,000 rupees each month. The government thinks this new tax will help them get more money to make schools better for everyone in Sindh.

If the plan goes ahead, it will start on July 1 this year. But before that can happen, other people in the government need to agree to it. The Sindh Revenue Board, which is the group that collects taxes, would be in charge of getting this money from the schools.

Not everyone thinks this is a good idea. Some people are happy because they believe it will help improve education. But others are worried that it might make these expensive schools cost even more money for families.

Along with this school tax plan, the government also said they want to help families in Karachi who have lost someone because of street crime. They plan to give these families 1 million rupees each.

This new tax on expensive private schools is a big change for Sindh. It shows that the government is trying new ways to get money to improve schools. Everyone will be watching to see what happens next and how it might change schools in Sindh.