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Chevening Scholarship 2024 For Pakistani Students in UK

July 7, 2024

Have you ever dreamt of studying at a top university in the UK, surrounded by a diverse community of future leaders from around the world? Do you aspire to not only excel in your field but also become a leader who makes a positive difference in Pakistan? If so, then the Chevening Scholarship program could be the key that unlocks your potential.

Established in 1983, the Chevening Scholarship program, initially called the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Awards Scheme (FCOAS), has a rich history of supporting bright minds from all corners of the globe. Imagine a program that operates in over 160 countries and territories! Chevening provides an incredible opportunity for Pakistani students like yourself to pursue postgraduate studies (programs following your bachelor’s degree) in esteemed universities across the United Kingdom.

Think of Chevening as a scholarship program funded by the UK government, specifically their Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). They partner with other organizations to create a scholarship pool that allows outstanding individuals to not only gain valuable knowledge but also become part of a global network of future leaders. At its core, Chevening aims to build a strong community of friends for the UK. By providing exceptional educational experiences, Chevening equips scholars with the skills and knowledge to return to their home countries, like Pakistan, and become effective leaders who can make a lasting impact.

The Chevening Scholarship program offers two main types of awards: Chevening Scholarships and Chevening Fellowships. Think of these as different categories within the program, each catering to a slightly different stage in your career journey. Chevening Scholarships are typically awarded to professionals with a minimum of two years of work experience who demonstrate strong leadership potential. Chevening Fellowships, on the other hand, are geared towards mid-career professionals with a proven track record of leadership and experience in specific fields. The selection process for both awards is rigorous, but the rewards are truly life-changing.

Field And Level Of Study

The Chevening Scholarship lets you apply for one-year master’s degrees in any subject at a UK university. Here’s what kind of program you can choose:

  • Must be full-time, taught (not research), and lead to a master’s degree.
  • Starts in fall (around September/October).
  • Based entirely in the UK (not online or abroad).

Here’s what you can’t choose:

  • Online learning, part-time studies, or programs shorter than 9 months or longer than a year.
  • PhD or research programs.
  • Programs with more than a month of study outside the UK.

You can apply to up to 3 master’s programs at once, as long as they are similar in design and curriculum. These programs can be at the same university or different ones. Search for eligible programs .

Scholarship Summary

Quick FactsDetails
No. of scholarships20+
Host countryUnited Kingdom
Host institute49 of UK’s universities
Level of studyMaster’s programs
CoursesMaster’s in any field
BenefitsTuition fees, monthly stipend, and travel cost
DeadlinesNovember 7th
Target Countries160 countries are participants of the Chevening scholarship including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, India and Sri Lanka.

Host Institute and Country

Host Country:

  • United Kingdom

Host Institutions:

The Chevening Scholarship program is offered by 49 universities across the UK. You can find a complete list of these universities on the Chevening website .

Here are a few examples of participating universities:

  • Bangor University
  • Birkbeck, University of London
  • Bournemouth University
  • Brunel University
  • Cardiff University

Benefits of Chevening Scholarships 2024

The Chevening Scholarship offers a comprehensive package to support your postgraduate studies in the UK. Here’s a breakdown of the key benefits:

Financial Support

  • Tuition Fee Contribution: Chevening covers up to £18,000 towards your tuition fees. Any amount exceeding this will be your responsibility. You’ll need to demonstrate sufficient funds to cover the difference.
  • Monthly Stipend: You’ll receive a monthly living allowance to cover essential expenses like accommodation (shared housing: £70-£125/week, halls of residence: similar range), utilities (£65-£86/week), food (£20-£40/week), and local transport (£20-£40/week). This stipend is paid on the 21st of each month via a cash card and is intended to cover healthcare costs as well (prescriptions not included).

Travel and Arrival

  • Travel Costs: Chevening will arrange your travel through a designated agent once your scholarship is confirmed. You’ll book your tickets then.
  • Arrival Allowance: This covers expenses incurred upon arrival in the UK, including airport taxi fare, police registration fee, and excess baggage fees (if applicable). This amount is loaded onto your cash card.
  • Homeward Departure Allowance: This covers any excess baggage fees for your return flight after completing your studies. It’s paid with your final stipend, once you confirm your homeward flight booking with the designated travel agent.

Additional Support

  • Visa Application Fee: Chevening will cover the cost of your one-time visa application to the embassy.
  • Chevening Events Travel Grant: You can receive up to £200 to attend Chevening events related to your field of study during your scholarship period.
  • These are estimated amounts and may vary depending on your location and circumstances.

Documents required

Here’s a concise version of the document requirements for Chevening Scholarships:

  • Valid Passport and National Identity Card: Prove your identity and citizenship.
  • Transcripts of Academic Records (Undergraduate Degree): Demonstrate your academic qualifications.
  • English Language Test Results: Meet the required English language proficiency level.
  • Unconditional Offer of Acceptance from a UK University: Show you have secured a place in a postgraduate program.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship as a Pakistani student in 2024, there are a few key things you need to fulfill:

  1. Citizenship: You must be a citizen of a country that participates in the Chevening program.
  2. Homeward Commitment: After your studies are complete, you’ll need to return to your home country.
  3. Education: You must hold an undergraduate degree comparable to a UK bachelor’s honors degree (typically a 4-year program).
  4. Work Experience: A minimum of 2 years of work experience is required. For Chevening Fellowships, 5 years are needed. Check the program website for details specific to Pakistan.
  5. University Applications: Apply to postgraduate programs at 1-3 UK universities and secure an unconditional acceptance letter by July.
  6. English Language Proficiency: Demonstrate you meet Chevening’s English language requirements by passing a test with the required score before July.

How to Apply?

The application process for Pakistani students involves two main steps:

  1. Apply to UK Universities:
    1. Choose a one-year postgraduate program and research its admission requirements at your preferred UK universities.
    1. Meet their eligibility criteria and submit the necessary documents to secure an unconditional offer letter.
  2. Submit your Chevening Scholarship Application:
    1. Once you have an unconditional offer, visit the Chevening application portal.
    1. Select Pakistan as your country and choose your level of study.
    1. Complete the online application form.
    1. You can apply to up to three postgraduate programs at different UK universities, but the courses should be related in their field of study.

Here are some helpful resources:

Application instructions

Here’s a paraphrase of the Chevening Scholarship 2024 application instructions:

Applying for a Chevening Scholarship is a meticulous process. Be sure to:

  • Pass the pre-screening stage: Answer all questions truthfully and accurately regarding your eligibility. Inaccurate information will disqualify you.
  • Complete all sections thoroughly: The application covers personal details, work experience (in hours, e.g., 2 years = 2,800 hours), chosen UK university programs, and a declaration section with statements you must answer correctly to be eligible.
  • Meet word count requirements: Applications exceeding or not meeting the word limit will be disqualified.
  • Avoid plagiarism: Your application will be screened for plagiarism. Use quotes with proper citations like academic essays.
  • Use English only: Applications in other languages will be rejected.
  • Double-check formatting: Ensure files are in the correct format and font size before submitting.
  • Submit only once per year: Withdrawing an application requires a valid reason. You can reapply only in the following year.