Degradation And Depletion Of Resources
The natural resources of the earth are the physical resources of water, air, soil, chemical elements, fossil fuels, and all other species of living organisms. The depletion and degeneration of resources occur in different ways like deforestation, and overhunting.
Degradation And Depletion Of Resources
Degradation And Depletion Of Resources occurs in following ways;
Overhunting and overfishing made many species extinct. Many countries depend on food from the sea. Thus fishing is done in coastal waters.
Wood is cut down from the natural woodlands. This process of clearing woodland is called deforestation. Deforestation is used for land clearance, building material, and fuel requirements. It destroys the natural habitat of organisms.
Overpopulation Of Man:
Only 30% of the earth is dry land. The remaining surface of the water is covered with water. Man lives in terrestrial conditions. The population of men is increasing. So man is using more and more land. Thus he deprives other animals of their share in the land. The increasing population requires more land for farms, homes, industry, recreation, and roads. Similarly, more food is required to feed them.
Overuse Of Water:
Overuse of water resources affects the natural recycling process. Water is used from the reserves. But this water is not replaced by rainfall. Water purification and sewage treatment are comparatively slow processes as compared to rapid water usage.
Unwise Use Of Fossil Fuel:
Coal, oil, peat, and natural gas are nonrenewable resources. They provide energy. They also produce carbon dioxide and water vapors. COâ‚‚ and water vapors flow to the outer surface of the air. Fossil fuels are the main sources of energy.
It is also a source of raw material for producing chemical compounds. These chemical compounds are medicines, fertilizers, plastics, man-made fibers, dyes, pesticides detergents, explosives, perfumes, and synthetic flavors. There is an over or unwise use of this fossil fuel. Thus the reservoir of fossil fuel depleting on Earth. Their overuse is also adding pollution to the environment.
Modification of Environment
The following factors change the environment:
1. Energy and materials increased with the progress of society.
2. A modern home uses many different types of energy-consuming devices such as washing machines, refrigerators, and televisions. Gas is used for cooking.
3. Many people work in offices. So they use a lot of energy in lighting and air conditioning. They also use energy in many office equipment like photocopiers, computers telephones, telex, and fax machines.
4. The mode of transportation has changed over the years. But most of them still obtain their energy by burning fossil fuels. Cars and taxis run on petrol. Heavy vehicles like buses, ships, and some trains run on diesel. The airplanes use fuel similar to kerosene.
5. Industries are using a large amount of electrical energy.
Frequently Asked Questions-FAQs
What does it mean by depletion of natural resources?
When resources are consumed at a faster rate than they are produced, it is called depletion of resources.
What causes Depletion of resources?
The following factors cause the depletion of resources;
Misuse and overuse of water
What are the natural resources?
The following resources are natural resources;
Natural gas
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