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Difference Between Gametophytes And Sporophytes

May 28, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The main difference between gametophytes and sporophytes is their reproductive phase and chromosome number. Sporophytes represent the asexual phase and are diploid with two sets of chromosomes, while gametophytes represent the sexual phase and are haploid with only one set of chromosomes.

image showing Difference Between Gametophytes And Sporophytes
The main difference between gametophytes and sporophytes is their reproductive phase and chromosome number. Sporophytes represent the asexual phase and are diploid with two sets of chromosomes, while gametophytes represent the sexual phase and are haploid with only one set of chromosomes.

Gametophytes vs. Sporophytes

Here are the main differences between gametophytes and sporophytes:

ResultFormation of sporesProduction of gametes
Chromosome NumberDiploid (2n)Haploid (n)
Chromosome SetsTwo sets of chromosomesSingle set of chromosomes
ReproductionAsexual reproductionSexual reproduction
Formation of MeiosporesDiploid spore mother cell undergoes meiosisN/A
FertilizationN/AGametes fuse to form diploid zygote (2n)