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Differences Between Dominant And Recessive Traits

May 27, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The main difference between dominant and recessive traits is that dominant traits are always expressed when present, even with just one copy of the dominant allele, while recessive traits are only expressed when both alleles are recessive.

image showing Differences Between Dominant And Recessive Traits

Dominant vs. Recessive Traits

Here are the main differences between dominant and recessive traits:

AspectDominant TraitsRecessive Traits
DefinitionTraits that show up when present in the genesTraits that show up only when there are two copies of the trait in the genes
ExpressionCan be seen in individuals with one copy of the traitOnly seen in individuals with two copies of the trait
InheritancePassed on by a parent with the traitInherited from both parents who carry the trait
AllelesRepresented by uppercase letters (e.g., A)Represented by lowercase letters (e.g., a)
InteractionMasks recessive traits when presentOnly expressed in the absence of the dominant trait
Punnett SquareShown as dominant allele (A) or heterozygous (Aa)Shown as recessive allele (a) or homozygous recessive (aa)
ExamplesBrown eye color, attached earlobesBlue eye color, freckles
FrequencyMore common in the populationLess common in the population
CarriersBoth homozygous dominant and heterozygous individuals can carry the traitOnly heterozygous individuals can carry the trait
Genetic DisordersSome genetic disorders are associated with dominant traitsMany genetic disorders are associated with recessive traits