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Education Ministry Proposes to Update Outdated Matric Curriculum

July 11, 2024
written by Sidra Batool

The Education Ministry in Pakistan is thinking about making a big change to how students learn in grades 9 and 10. They want to take three different study tracks – Arts, Science, and Computer Science – and mix them all into one big program for everyone.

Right now, students have to pick one of these tracks to study. But this system has been around for 77 years, and many people think it’s time for something new.

Last week, Members of the Education Ministry and the Textbook Board had a meeting to talk about this idea. They all agreed that the old way of doing things doesn’t work well anymore and needs to change.

The new plan would get rid of the separate tracks. Instead, all students would learn a mix of subjects from arts, science, and computers. This way, everyone gets to learn a little bit of everything.

To make this work, they want to make new textbooks that have all these subjects in one place. This should make learning easier and help students understand more things.

After a holiday called Ashura Muharram, these important people will meet again to talk more about how to make this big change happen.

This new plan could really change how high school works in Pakistan, giving students a chance to learn more different things before they finish school.