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High School Exams in Lahore Set for August

July 11, 2024
written by Sidra Batool

Students Can Apply Now, But Hurry to Avoid Extra Fees

Big news for high school students in Lahore! The second round of Matric exams (that’s for 9th and 10th graders) will start on August 20. The Lahore Board just told everyone about this on Wednesday.

If you need to take these exams, listen up! You can send in your application now, but there are some important dates to remember:

  1. Apply by July 22, and you’ll only pay the normal fee.
  2. If you’re a bit late, you can still apply until July 26, but you’ll have to pay double.
  3. Really running behind? You have until July 31, but it’ll cost you triple.

How much does it cost? If you’re a regular student, it’s 700 rupees. If you’re taking the exam on your own (not through a school), it’s 750 rupees.

The Board is serious about these dates. They won’t take any applications after July 31, no matter what. So if you need to take the exam, don’t wait too long to apply!

This is a chance for students who might have missed the first round of exams or want to try again to do better. Just remember to get your application in on time to avoid paying extra!