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Pakistan Secures Permanent Membership in Washington Accord

June 19, 2024
written by Sidra Batool

Pakistan has achieved a big success in the field of engineering education. The country has become a permanent member of the Washington Accord for the next six years. The Washington Accord is an important international group that checks and approves the quality of engineering education in different countries.

Pakistan Secures Permanent Membership in Washington Accord featured image

This big achievement happened during a two-day meeting of the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) in New Delhi, India. All the member countries in the IEA agreed that Pakistan should get permanent membership in the Washington Accord.

Originally, a team from the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) was supposed to attend the meeting in person. However, the Indian government did not give them visas or permission to enter the country. Even though the Pakistani team could not go to India, they were still able to join the meeting online.

The head of PEC, Mr. Najeeb Haroon, was very happy and proud of this success. He said that it shows that Pakistan’s engineering education is now recognized as good quality all over the world. He thanked the Engineering Accreditation Board for their hard work in making this possible.

During the IEA meeting, some other countries like China, Turkey, and Hong Kong also supported Pakistan’s permanent membership. Pakistan had earlier become a member of the Washington Accord in 2017. This time, Pakistan also helped countries like the Philippines and Bangladesh to join the group.

Only 25 countries in the whole world are members of the Washington Accord. By becoming a permanent member, Pakistan has proved that its engineering education meets international standards. This will help Pakistani engineers to get better jobs and opportunities all over the world.