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PreMedical Students Can Now Enroll in Engineering Programs

July 17, 2024
written by Sidra Batool

Good news for pre-medical students! The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has decided to let you apply for engineering degrees. This is because fewer students are choosing engineering these days.

PreMedical Students Can Now Enroll in Engineering Programs featured image

If you’ve done FSc pre-medical, you can now apply for BS Engineering programs. But first, you’ll need to take an eight-week course to catch up on subjects like math that you might have missed.

Dr. Nasir Mahmood Khan from PEC explained that engineering universities used to produce about 30,000 engineers every year. But recently, this number has gone down by around 10,000. Some universities even had to close their engineering departments because not enough students were joining.

To fix this, PEC talked with university heads and experts. They decided to let pre-medical students join engineering programs. They think this will help more students become engineers, which is important for Pakistan’s future.

Here’s how it will work:

  1. Pre-medical students can now apply for any engineering program.
  2. You’ll need to take an eight-week course to learn subjects you didn’t study before, like advanced math.
  3. After this course, you’ll take an entry test to get into the engineering program.
  4. Up to 40% of seats in each engineering program can go to pre-medical students who complete this process.

PEC has sent a letter to the Higher Education Commission about this new rule. They’ve also told universities to follow new guidelines for admitting pre-medical students.

This change gives pre-medical students more options for their future. If you’re interested in engineering, you now have a chance to pursue it, even if you didn’t study it in school.