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Punjab to Offer Free Education to Underprivileged Students in Private Schools

June 28, 2024
written by Sidra Batool

The government in Punjab has a new plan to help more kids go to school. They want private schools to give free education to some students who can’t afford it.

Punjab to Offer Free Education to Underprivileged Students in Private Schools featured image
The government in Punjab has a new plan to help more kids go to school. They want private schools to give free education to some students who can't afford it.

The Punjab government says that private schools should let 10 out of every 100 students study for free. This means if a school has 100 students, 10 of them won’t have to pay any money to learn there.

To make this happen, the school education department will visit private schools. They’ll look for kids from poor families who deserve free education. They’ll also count how many students are already in these schools. They plan to finish this big task by August 31, after the summer holidays end.

This idea isn’t completely new. There’s already a rule from 2014 called the Private Schools Ordinance that talks about helping poor students. The government wants to make sure schools follow this rule better now.

Some private schools say they’re already helping poor students study for free. But now, the government wants to make sure all private schools are doing this.

This plan could help many kids who can’t go to school because their families don’t have enough money. It’s a big step to make sure more children in Punjab can get an education, even if their families can’t pay for it.