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Sindh Changes Exam Dates for Matric and FSc Students

July 17, 2024
written by Sidra Batool

Big news for students in Sindh. The government has decided to change when you’ll take your matric and FSc exams. Starting next year, these exams in Sindh will happen in March. This is a big change from when exams were held during the hot summer months.

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Some students fainted during exams earlier this year because of the heat and power cuts. The government saw this problem and decided to fix it by moving exams to a cooler time of year.

Muhammad Ali Malkani, the person in charge of universities and exam boards in Sindh, shared this news at an event in Karachi. With this change, Sindh’s exam dates will now be the same as the rest of Pakistan. This might make things easier for everyone.

The government also wants to make grading exams more modern. By 2025, they plan to use computers to mark exam papers. This could make getting results faster and fairer.

This change shows that the government is trying to improve things for students in Sindh. They’re thinking about your comfort and trying to use new technology to improve how exams work.