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Deprecate vs Depreciate-What’s The Difference?

June 8, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

Deprecate” refers to expressing disapproval or objection towards something or someone, often accompanied by mild criticism or earnest advice. It is a word in the English language that is frequently confused with “depreciate.”

In this article, we will explore the distinctions between “deprecate” and “depreciate,” delving into their meanings, examples, and appropriate usage.

Meanings and Examples

Deprecate Meaning

Verb: “Deprecate” means to express disapproval, criticism, or objection towards something or someone. It implies a mild or gentle protest or the expression of earnest advice against a particular action, belief, or behavior.

Deprecate Examples

  1. The professor deprecates the use of outdated research methods.
  2. She deprecates the excessive use of technology among young children.
  3. The committee members deprecate the proposed changes to the company’s policies.

Depreciate Meaning

Verb: “Depreciate” refers to the decline in value, quality, or worth of something over time. It is commonly associated with assets, investments, or currencies losing value or becoming less valuable due to various factors such as wear and tear, market conditions, or obsolescence.

Depreciate Examples

  1. The value of the antique car depreciated significantly after the accident.
  2. Over time, electronic devices tend to depreciate due to advancements in technology.
  3. The currency’s value depreciated due to inflation and economic instability.

Difference between Deprecate and Depreciate

MeaningExpressing disapproval, criticism, or objectionDecline in value, quality, or worth over time
ExamplesThe professor deprecates outdated research methods.The value of the antique car depreciated significantly.
She deprecates the excessive use of technology among children.Over time, electronic devices tend to depreciate.

Usage in a Paragraph

“Deprecate” is used when expressing disapproval or objection towards something, often in the context of giving advice or expressing criticism. On the other hand, “depreciate” is employed when referring to the decline in value or worth of assets or currencies over time. While “deprecate” focuses on disapproval or criticism, “depreciate” pertains to the decrease in value. It is essential to use these words accurately to convey the intended meaning and avoid any confusion.

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