Home | English | Boost Your Vocabulary: Five-Letter Words Ending in ‘EL’

Boost Your Vocabulary: Five-Letter Words Ending in ‘EL’

October 25, 2024

Improving your vocabulary can elevate your language skills and help you communicate more effectively. In this article, we will explore 50 unique five-letter words that end in ‘el.’ Each word comes with its meaning and an example sentence to help you understand how to use them properly in context.

Explore These 50 Five-Letter Words Ending in ‘EL’

WordMeaningExample Sentence
AngelA spiritual being or a kind personShe is an absolute angel for helping me.
BagelA round bread roll with a hole in the centerI had a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast.
CamelA large, desert-dwelling animalThe camel can go without water for days.
CruelWillfully causing pain to othersIt was cruel to leave the dog outside in the rain.
EaselA stand used for holding an artist’s canvasShe placed her canvas on the easel before starting to paint.
ExpelTo officially make someone leaveThe school decided to expel the disruptive student.
FeralWild, especially after escaping domesticationThe feral cat roamed the streets freely.
JewelA precious stone used in jewelryShe wore a dazzling jewel on her necklace.
LibelA false statement that damages someone’s reputationThe journalist was sued for libel after the false article.
ModelA representation of something, or a person who posesShe became a famous model at a young age.
NovelA long, fictional narrativeThe author is working on her next novel.
PanelA flat board or a group of expertsThe panel of judges reviewed all the contestants’ performances.
PixelThe smallest unit of a digital imageThe image was blurry due to the low pixel count.
QuellTo put an end to, usually by forceThe police were able to quell the unrest.
RebelA person who resists authorityThe rebel group fought against the government forces.
TowelA piece of cloth used for dryingHe grabbed a towel after swimming.
TunnelA passage through or under something, typically undergroundThe car went through the long tunnel under the mountain.
BowelPart of the digestive systemThe patient had issues with his bowel movements.
DowelA peg used in carpentryUse a dowel to secure the pieces of wood together.
LevelFlat or evenMake sure the shelf is level before hanging it.
LabelA tag or sticker used for identificationAttach a label to each box before moving.
NavelA small depression in the center of the abdomenHe had a piercing in his navel.
SwivelA device that allows something to rotateThe office chair can swivel 360 degrees.
RevelTo take great pleasure in somethingThey stayed up all night to revel in their success.
SheelAn old Scottish word for a protective coveringThe sheel of the plant kept it safe from the wind.
TeazelA prickly plant used in textile productionThe teazel was used historically to card wool.
SavelA type of sausageThey served savel with mustard at the fair.
VowelA speech sound made without blocking airflowThe word “apple” begins with a vowel.
RepelTo drive or push awayThis insect spray is designed to repel mosquitoes.
LabelA small tag used for identificationShe attached a label to each jar of jam.
PedalA foot-operated leverHe pressed the gas pedal to accelerate the car.
SteelA strong alloy of ironThe bridge was built using reinforced steel.
ParcelA package sent through the mailI received a parcel from my friend in the mail.
TowelA cloth for drying oneselfHe used a towel to dry off after swimming.
BowelA part of the digestive systemThe doctor examined his bowel for signs of illness.
PanelA group of people gathered for a discussion or decisionThe panel of experts reviewed the case thoroughly.
FuselA narrow passage or wayThey walked down the narrow fusel to the exit.
HazleA type of tree with edible nutsThe forest was full of hazel trees.
SewelA type of seasonal marker used in olden timesThe ancient calendar had a sewel to mark the seasons.
BezelThe grooved ring holding a watch face or gemstoneThe bezel on her watch was encrusted with diamonds.
WavelA variant of wave, indicating a small rippleThe gentle wavel on the lake was calming.
DrivelSilly or meaningless talkStop talking drivel and focus on the task.
PowelA surname and variation of PowellThe artist signed his work with the name Powel.
KruelAn alternative spelling of cruel, meaning harsh or severeHis kruel actions caused suffering to many people.
OrielA large bay window projecting from a wallThe house had an oriel overlooking the garden.

This corrected list features 50 unique five-letter words ending with ‘el’, each used only once. These words will enhance your vocabulary and provide valuable examples for everyday use.

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