Home | Biology | African Golden Cat Breed Information | Caracal aurata

African Golden Cat Breed Information | Caracal aurata

October 19, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The African golden cat is a wild cat that is native to Africa. It is a medium-sized cat with a golden-brown coat. It is a solitary animal and is rarely seen in the wild. The African golden cat is an endangered species and is threatened by habitat loss and poaching.

Image showing  African golden cat

African Golden Cat

Here are some facts about the African Golden Cat.

Scientific ClassificationKingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Caracal
Species: Caracal aurata
Origins and EvolutionThe African Golden Cat is native to the dense tropical rainforests of West and Central Africa. It is a lesser-known small wild cat species.
CharacteristicsAnatomy and Appearance: African Golden Cats have a striking appearance with a reddish-brown to gray coat and black spots and stripes. They are about the size of a domestic cat.
Size: They typically weigh between 13 to 35 pounds (6 to 16 kilograms) and measure around 24 to 35 inches (60 to 90 centimeters) in length.
Distribution and HabitatThey inhabit the dense rainforests and montane forests of West and Central Africa, including countries like Nigeria, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Behavior and LifestyleAfrican Golden Cats are primarily solitary and elusive. They are known for their secretive behavior and are rarely seen in the wild. They are crepuscular, being active during dawn and dusk.
Reproduction and Life CyclesThey give birth to one to three kittens after a gestation period of around 70 days. The kittens are raised in hidden dens within their forest habitat.
Diet and PreyThey are carnivorous, preying on a variety of small mammals, birds, and occasionally, monkeys and reptiles. Their diet includes rodents and forest-dwelling creatures.
Predators and ThreatsWhile they have few natural predators, larger carnivores like leopards and eagles could pose a threat to African Golden Cats. Their main threats are habitat loss and hunting.
Interesting Facts and FeaturesElusive Nature: African Golden Cats are rarely observed in the wild, which has contributed to their mysterious reputation.
Vocalizations: They are known to make various vocalizations, including meows and hisses, for communication with each other.
Relationship with HumansAfrican Golden Cats have limited interaction with humans due to their remote habitat and elusive nature. They may face hunting pressure for their fur and body parts.
Conservation Status and Life TodayAfrican Golden Cats are classified as โ€œNear Threatenedโ€ due to habitat loss from deforestation and hunting for the illegal wildlife trade. Conservation efforts aim to protect their habitats and reduce poaching.
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