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Beside vs Besides-Difference between and Examples

June 5, 2023
written by Areej Khan

There are some words that may appear similar and can have distinct meanings. Such is the case with โ€œbesideโ€ and โ€œbesides.โ€ In this article, we will explore the definitions, differences, and contextual usage of these terms to gain a clearer understanding of their significance. By discerning between โ€œbesideโ€ and โ€œbesides,โ€ we can effectively communicate matters related to proximity and additional information. Letโ€™s delve into the contrasts between โ€œbesideโ€ and โ€œbesides.โ€

image of Beside vs besides

Meanings and Examples

Beside Meaning

Preposition: The meaning of beside is next to or at the side of; in proximity to something or someone.

Beside Examples

a) He sat beside his best friend during the movie.

b) The cat curled up beside its owner on the couch.

c) The park bench was empty except for a couple sitting beside each other.

d) The bookstore was located beside the coffee shop, making it convenient for readers.

e) The small cottage stood beside a tranquil lake, offering a picturesque view.

Besides Meaning

Preposition/Adverb: The meaning of besides is In addition to; apart from; or moreover; used to introduce additional information or an extra point.

Besides Examples

a) Besides studying for her exams, she also had to work part-time.

b) Besides being a talented musician, he was also an accomplished painter.

c) We have many options for dinner tonight. Besides, we can try the new Italian restaurant.

d) Besides his fluency in French, he also speaks Spanish and German.

e) She enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and swimming. Besides, she is an avid reader.

Differences Between Beside and Besides

MeaningNext to or at the side of; in proximity toIn addition to; apart from; moreover
Part of SpeechPrepositionPreposition/Adverb
UsageReferring to physical proximityIntroducing additional information or extra points

Usage in a Paragraph

As they strolled through the park, Sarah walked beside her sister, chatting and laughing. The two friends they met sat on a bench beside the fountain, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. The park, besides its lush greenery and beautiful flowers, also boasted a playground and a jogging trail, making it a favorite spot for families and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Besides studying for her final exams, Jane also had to prepare for a presentation. She carefully organized her schedule to allocate time for both tasks. Besides being a diligent student, she was also involved in extracurricular activities, such as volunteering at the local animal shelter. Besides her love for animals, she had a keen interest in photography and spent her free time capturing moments of natural beauty.

Distinguishing between โ€œbesideโ€ and โ€œbesidesโ€ is crucial for accurate communication. โ€œBesideโ€ indicates proximity or being next to something or someone physically. On the other hand, โ€œbesidesโ€ introduces additional information or extra points apart from what has been mentioned. By utilizing these terms appropriately, we can convey the intended meanings and avoid confusion in both descriptive and explanatory contexts.

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