Home | English | Boost Your Vocabulary with Five-Letter Words Ending in ‘E’

Boost Your Vocabulary with Five-Letter Words Ending in ‘E’

October 25, 2024

Expanding your vocabulary is a great way to enhance both your writing and speaking skills. Words are the building blocks of communication, and understanding their meanings and how to use them effectively can have a profound impact. In this article, we will focus on a selection of five-letter words that end with the letter ‘e’, helping you not only learn new terms but also understand their meanings and how to use them in everyday conversation.

Enhance Your Word Knowledge with These 50 Five-Letter Words Ending in ‘E’

WordMeaningExample Sentence
AbideAccept or act in accordance withI cannot abide by these unfair rules.
AliveLiving, not deadThe flower was still alive despite the cold weather.
ArgueExchange opposing views, often in a heated mannerThey began to argue over the final decision.
AmuseCause to find something funny or entertainingThe clown managed to amuse the crowd with his tricks.
BrideA woman on her wedding dayThe bride looked stunning in her white dress.
ChimeA ringing sound typically from a bellThe clock began to chime at noon.
CraveTo strongly desireI always crave chocolate after dinner.
EvadeEscape or avoid, especially by clevernessHe managed to evade the police for weeks.
GloveA garment covering the handShe wore a red glove to match her coat.
GraveA place where a dead person is buriedWe visited my grandfather’s grave last week.
GuideA person who leads or directs othersThe tour guide showed us around the museum.
LitheFlexible and gracefulThe dancer moved with a lithe elegance.
LodgeA small house, often used by travelersWe stayed in a cozy lodge during our trip.
NerveCourage under difficult circumstancesIt took a lot of nerve to speak in front of the crowd.
NoiseUnwanted sound, especially loud or disruptiveThe noise from the construction site was unbearable.
PruneTo trim or cut away excessIt’s time to prune the bushes in the garden.
ProveTo demonstrate the truth or existence of somethingYou need to prove your point with evidence.
RinseTo wash lightly, especially with waterShe quickly rinsed the soap off the dishes.
ShineTo emit light or be brightThe sun began to shine after the storm passed.
ShovePush roughly or violentlyHe gave the door a hard shove to open it.
SlideMove smoothly along a surfaceThe kids loved to slide down the hill on their sleds.
SmileForm an expression of pleasure or amusementShe gave me a friendly smile when I entered the room.
SpokePast tense of speakHe spoke to the manager about his concerns.
StareTo look at something or someone for a long timeDon’t stare at people, it’s impolite.
StoveA device for cooking food or heating a roomI heated the soup on the stove.
SwineA term for pigs, often used figurativelyHe behaved like a complete swine during the meeting.
ThereReferring to a locationShe placed the book over there on the shelf.
ThroneA ceremonial chair for a king or queenThe king sat on his golden throne during the ceremony.
TriteLacking originality or freshnessHis speech was filled with trite clichés.
ValueThe importance or worth of somethingThe antique vase holds great value to the collector.
WrotePast tense of writeShe wrote a beautiful poem for the competition.
AbaseTo lower in rank, status, or esteemHe refused to abase himself before the critics.
BatheTo wash oneself in a bathI like to bathe in warm water after a long day.
CloveA spice made from dried flower budsAdd a clove of garlic to enhance the flavor.
ElopeTo run away secretly, especially to get marriedThey decided to elope to avoid the stress of a big wedding.
EndueProvide with a quality or abilityHe was endued with exceptional talent in music.
ExileExpulsion from one’s native countryThe writer lived in exile for many years.
FuseeA spiraled component in mechanical watchesThe old clock still has its original fusee mechanism.
GrimeDirt ingrained on the surface of somethingThe window was covered in grime, making it hard to see through.
KnifeA tool with a blade used for cuttingBe careful when using a knife to slice the bread.
LeaseA contract granting use of property for a specified timeThe lease on the apartment ends next month.
NicheA comfortable or suitable position in life or employmentHe finally found his niche in the tech industry.
PlaqueA flat, thin piece of metal or wood, often inscribedThe company awarded him a plaque for his service.
SpreeA period of unrestrained activityThey went on a shopping spree after winning the lottery.
TwineStrong thread or stringUse the twine to tie the packages securely.
UsherA person who shows people to their seatsThe usher guided us to our seats in the theater.
WhiteThe color of snow or milkShe wore a beautiful white dress at the event.
WhosePossessive form of whoWhose book is this on the table?
WinceTo make a slight grimace in anticipation of painHe couldn’t help but wince at the loud noise.

This list of five-letter words ending with ‘e’ will surely enrich your vocabulary and give you useful words for various contexts.

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