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Canvas vs Canvass-Difference between and Examples

June 5, 2023
written by Areej Khan

The word “canvas” refers to a strong, durable fabric traditionally made from hemp or cotton, while the word “canvass” is used to describe the action of seeking opinions or votes.

In this article, we will explore the meanings, examples, and differences between these two terms to gain a better understanding of their significance.

image showing Difference Between Canvas and Canvass

Meanings and Examples

Canvas Meaning

Noun: The meanings of “canvas” pertain to a strong, durable fabric traditionally made from hemp or cotton.

Canvas Examples

  1. The artist prepared a canvas by stretching it tightly on a wooden frame before starting the painting.
  2. The sailors hoisted the canvas sails as the ship set sail across the vast ocean.
  3. The carpenter used a canvas drop cloth to protect the floor while working on the construction project.
  4. The fashion designer used canvas material to create a versatile and durable tote bag.
  5. The art supply store offers canvases of various sizes and textures for artists to choose from.

Canvass Meaning

Noun: The meanings of “canvass” pertain to the action of seeking opinions or votes from individuals or a group.

Canvass Examples

  1. The politician canvassed the neighborhood, going door to door to gather support for their campaign.
  2. The marketing team canvassed potential customers to gather feedback on their new product.
  3. The volunteers canvassed the community, conducting surveys to understand the needs and concerns of the residents.
  4. The organization organized a phone bank to canvass voters and encourage them to participate in the upcoming election.
  5. The researchers canvassed a diverse group of participants to collect data for their study on consumer preferences.

Difference Between Canvas and Canvass

Here is a table showing Difference Between Canvas and Canvass:

MeaningA strong fabric used for painting or constructionTo seek opinions, votes, or support
Part of SpeechNounVerb
UsageReferring to a material for artistic or construction purposesDescribing the act of seeking opinions or votes

Usage in Paragraph

The artist carefully applied paintbrush strokes to the canvas, creating a vibrant and captivating artwork. The texture of the canvas provided a suitable surface for the artist to express their creativity and vision.
On the other hand, the political candidate decided to canvass the neighborhood to connect with voters and understand their concerns. The candidate engaged in meaningful conversations, addressing the issues that mattered to the community and seeking support for their campaign.

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