Home | Biology | Cavalier King Charles Spaniel- Classification, Appearance, Habitat, and Facts

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel- Classification, Appearance, Habitat, and Facts

October 24, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, often simply referred to as the Cavalier, is a charming small breed known for its affectionate nature and elegant appearance.

image showing Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Here are some facts about the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia
 Phylum: Chordata
 Class: Mammalia
 Order: Carnivora
 Family: Canidae
 Genus: Canis
 Species: Canis lupus familiaris
Physical Appearance Size: Cavaliers are small dogs, typically weighing between 13 to 18 pounds (6 to 8 kilograms) and standing about 12 to 13 inches (30 to 33 centimeters) at the shoulder.
 Coat: They have a silky, mediumlength coat with feathering on the ears, chest, legs, and tail. Coat colors include blenheim, tricolor, black & tan, and ruby.
Range and HabitatCavaliers are domesticated and are found in households and as beloved pets worldwide. They have no wild habitat.
Behavior and Lifestyle Affectionate and Sociable: They are known for their affectionate and friendly nature, making them excellent companion animals.
 Playful and Energetic: Despite their small size, Cavaliers are lively and enjoy playtime and short walks.
Reproduction and Life Cycles Breeding: Cavaliers breed yearround, and females typically give birth to litters of 2 to 6 puppies after a gestation period of about 63 days.
Diet and PreyCavaliers are not used for hunting and are primarily fed highquality commercial dog food. Their diet should be appropriate for their small size.
Predators and ThreatsIn their domesticated setting, Cavaliers are generally safe from natural predators, but they can be susceptible to common dog health issues.
Interesting Facts and Features Historical Royal Association: They are named after King Charles II of England, who adored the breed and often kept them as royal pets.
 Lap Dogs: Cavaliers are often referred to as โ€œlap dogsโ€ because they love sitting on their ownerโ€™s laps.
Relationship with HumansCavaliers are cherished as family pets and are known for their gentle and sociable disposition, making them a favorite choice for families.
Conservation Status and Life TodayThe Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is not considered an endangered breed. They continue to be popular pets known for their loving companionship.

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