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Cesky Terrier- Classification, Appearance, Habitat, and Facts

October 24, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The Cesky Terrier, also known as the Bohemian Terrier, is a small and charming terrier breed that originated in the Czech Republic.

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Cesky Terrier

Here are some facts about the Cesky Terrier:

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia
 Phylum: Chordata
 Class: Mammalia
 Order: Carnivora
 Family: Terrier
 Genus: Canis
 Species: Canis lupus familiaris
Physical Appearance Size: Cesky Terriers are small dogs, typically weighing between 13 to 24 pounds (6 to 11 kilograms) and standing about 10 to 13 inches (25 to 33 centimeters) at the shoulder.
 Coat: They have a soft and silky coat that can come in various shades, including gray, light brown, and chocolate.
Range and HabitatCesky Terriers are domesticated and are found in households as beloved pets. They have no wild habitat.
Behavior and Lifestyle Friendly and Playful: They are known for their friendly and playful nature, making them great companions and family pets.
 Alert and Intelligent: Cesky Terriers are intelligent and alert, which makes them trainable and responsive.
Reproduction and Life Cycles Breeding: Cesky Terriers breed yearround, and females typically give birth to litters of 2 to 5 puppies after a gestation period of about 63 days.
Diet and PreyCesky Terriers are not used for hunting and are primarily fed highquality commercial dog food. Their diet should be appropriate for their small size.
Predators and ThreatsIn their domesticated setting, Cesky Terriers are generally safe from natural predators, but they can be susceptible to common dog health issues.
Interesting Facts and Features Unique Origin: The Cesky Terrier was specifically bred in the Czech Republic as a hunting dog, combining the characteristics of terriers and dachshunds.
 Czech National Treasure: In the Czech Republic, the Cesky Terrier is considered a national treasure and a point of pride.
Relationship with HumansCesky Terriers are cherished as family pets and are known for their friendly and sociable disposition, making them excellent choices for families.
Conservation Status and Life TodayThe Cesky Terrier is not considered an endangered breed. They continue to be popular pets known for their affectionate and playful nature.
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