Home | United Kingdom Scholarship | Chevening Scholarship 2025 UK Application Process (Fully Funded)

Chevening Scholarship 2025 UK Application Process (Fully Funded)

June 11, 2024

Have you ever dreamt of pursuing a life-changing master’s degree in the heart of the United Kingdom? Look no further than the Chevening Scholarship, a prestigious international scholarship program funded by the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). This life-altering opportunity offers a fully-funded master’s program at a top UK university, opening doors to exceptional academic experiences, unparalleled professional development, and a chance to become a part of a vibrant global network.

Established in 1983, the Chevening Scholarship has nurtured the ambitions of over 50,000 exceptional individuals from across the globe. The program seeks future leaders and influencers who demonstrate a strong potential to make a positive impact in their home countries and on the international stage. Whether you’re a passionate advocate for social justice, a visionary entrepreneur, or a pioneering researcher, Chevening recognizes the power of your unique voice and empowers you to contribute to a more dynamic and interconnected world.

Scholarship Summary

Degree LevelMaster’s
Host InstitutionsUK Universities
Courses OfferedFull-time taught Master’s degree program in any subject
Program DurationVaries depending on the chosen program, but not more than one year
Application DeadlineNovember 2024 (currently closed, opens in September)

Scholarship Coverage

Tuition feesCovers the cost of tuition fees at your chosen university in the UK.
Monthly stipendProvides a monthly allowance to help with living expenses in the UK.
Travel costsCovers the cost of traveling to and from the UK for your studies.
Arrival allowanceProvides financial support to help with settling-in costs upon arrival in the UK.
Homeward departure allowanceOffers financial assistance to cover costs associated with returning home after your studies.
Visa application costCovers the cost of applying for a visa to study in the UK.
Travel grant for Chevening eventsProvides financial support to attend Chevening events held in the UK.

Who can apply?

CitizenshipBe a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country
Citizenship RestrictionsNot hold British or dual British citizenship (exceptions apply)
Refugee StatusNot be a refugee in an ineligible country
Government EmploymentNot be a current/former employee or relative of certain UK government departments (exceptions apply)
Previous UK StudyNot have previously studied in the UK with UK government funding
Academic BackgroundCompleted undergraduate degree qualifying for a UK postgraduate program
Work ExperienceMinimum of two years (2,800 hours) of work experience
English LanguageBe proficient in English
University ApplicationsApply to three eligible UK universities and secure one unconditional offer
Post-Scholarship CommitmentReturn to your home country for a minimum of two years after completing your studies

How to apply? Here’s a step-by-step guide

  1. Check Your Eligibility: Head to the Chevening website and confirm your offers the scholarship.
  2. Create Your Account: Set up an account on the website.
  3. Fill Out Your Profile: Enter your personal details, save them, and verify your profile before starting the application.
  4. Eligibility Quiz: Take a short quiz to ensure you meet the scholarship’s requirements.
  5. Complete the Application: Fill out the application form and gather the necessary documents:
    1. Education: Copies of your completed degrees or transcripts
    1. English Test: Proof of your English language proficiency
    1. University Choices: Up to three conditional offers (preferred) and at least one unconditional offer by July from eligible UK universities for your chosen courses.
    1. References: (Only needed if invited to interview) Prepare two references.
    1. Identification: Your passport or a valid ID document
  6. Submit Your Application: Once everything is complete, submit your application through the website.

Official Website

You can visit official website for more details

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