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Clouded Leopard – Classification, Appearance, Habitat, and Facts

October 27, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The Clouded Leopard is a beautiful and elusive wild cat known for its striking appearance and elusive nature.

Clouded Leopard image
The Clouded Leopard is a beautiful and elusive wild cat known for its striking appearance and elusive nature.

Clouded Leopard

 Here’s some information about the Clouded Leopard:

Scientific ClassificationKingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Neofelis
Species: Neofelis nebulosa
Physical AppearanceClouded Leopards are known for their distinctive appearance, including:
Coat: They have a cloud-like pattern on their coat, with irregularly shaped dark and light patches.
Size: They are medium-sized cats, with a body length of 24 to 43 inches (61 to 109 cm) and a tail length of 32 to 35 inches (81 to 90 cm).
Weight: Adult Clouded Leopards typically weigh between 25 to 50 pounds (11 to 23 kg).
Range and HabitatClouded Leopards are native to the forests and rainforests of Southeast Asia, including countries like Nepal, India, Bhutan, Thailand, and Malaysia. They are highly adapted to tree-dwelling and are often found in the treetops.
Behavior and LifestyleNocturnal: Clouded Leopards are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the night.
Solitary: They are generally solitary animals, and males and females come together primarily for mating.
Arboreal: They are known for their tree-dwelling behavior, and their long tail provides balance when moving in the treetops.
Diet and PreyClouded Leopards are carnivorous and primarily feed on a diet of small mammals, birds, and occasionally, larger prey such as deer. They are skilled hunters.
Reproduction and Life CyclesGestation: The gestation period for Clouded Leopards is about 86 to 93 days.
Litters: They typically give birth to 1 to 5 cubs, with 2 cubs being the most common.
Independence: Cubs become independent around 10 months of age.
Conservation Status and ThreatsClouded Leopards are listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). They face threats like habitat loss, poaching for their beautiful fur, and the illegal wildlife trade.
Interesting Facts and FeaturesReclusive Nature: Clouded Leopards are known for their secretive and elusive behavior, making them challenging to study and observe in the wild.
Unique Canines: They have exceptionally long canines relative to their body size.
Relationship with HumansClouded Leopards have a complex relationship with humans. They are revered in some indigenous cultures but are also hunted for their fur and body parts. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these elusive felines and their natural habitats.
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