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Complement vs. Compliment-Difference between and Examples

June 5, 2023
written by Areej Khan

Despite their close resemblance, “Complement” and “compliment” are two words that have distinct meanings and applications.

In this article, we will explore the definitions, differences, and contextual usage of these terms to gain a clearer understanding of their importance.

image showing Differences Between Complement and Compliment
Despite their close resemblance, "Complement" and "compliment" are two words that have distinct meanings and applications.

Meanings and Examples

Complement Meaning

Noun: The meaning of Complement are, “Something that enhances, completes, or harmonizes with something else”.

Verb: To enhance, complete, or bring out the best qualities of something.

Complement Examples

  1. The red wine was the perfect complement to the savory steak.
  2. The artwork on the walls complemented the overall aesthetic of the room.
  3. Her skills in marketing complemented her colleague’s expertise in sales.
  4. The cool breeze was a welcome complement to the hot summer day.
  5. The soft vocals and gentle guitar melody complemented each other in the song.

Compliment Meaning

Noun: The meaning of Compliment are, “An expression of praise, admiration, or congratulations”.

Verb: To express praise, admiration, or congratulations.

Compliment Examples

  1. She received a lovely compliment on her new hairstyle.
  2. He paid her a heartfelt compliment for her outstanding performance.
  3. The boss complimented the team on their exceptional work.
  4. The guests showered the chef with compliments for the delicious meal.
  5. She complimented him on his impeccable sense of style.

Differences Between Complement and Compliment

Here are the main Differences Between Complement and Compliment:

MeaningSomething that enhances, completes, or harmonizes with something elseAn expression of praise, admiration, or congratulations
Part of SpeechNoun and VerbNoun and Verb
UsageDescribing something that enhances or completesOffering praise or admiration

Usage in Paragraph

The spices in the dish were carefully selected to complement the flavors of each ingredient. The aromatic herbs enhanced the taste and brought out the unique characteristics of the meal. The chef’s expertise in flavor pairing was evident in the perfect complement of seasonings.

At the end of the performance, the audience erupted in applause, offering their compliments to the talented actors. The actors beamed with pride as they received compliments for their exceptional delivery and captivating stage presence. Their hard work and dedication had paid off, and the compliments served as a testament to their talent.

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