Home | Biology | Cross River Gorilla – Complete Guide | Gorilla gorilla diehli

Cross River Gorilla – Complete Guide | Gorilla gorilla diehli

October 21, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The Cross River Gorilla, scientifically known as Gorilla gorilla diehli, is a critically endangered subspecies of the Western gorilla.

image showing Cross River Gorilla

Cross River Gorilla

Here’s some information about Cross River Gorillas:

Scientific Classification– Kingdom: Animalia
– Phylum: Chordata
– Class: Mammalia
– Order: Primates
– Family: Hominidae
– Genus: Gorilla
– Species: Gorilla gorilla
– Subspecies: Gorilla gorilla diehli
Physical CharacteristicsSize: Cross River Gorillas are the smallest subspecies of gorilla, with males typically weighing between 300 and 430 pounds (136 to 195 kilograms) and females weighing less.
Coat: They have black to brownish-black fur.
Natural Habitat and RangeCross River Gorillas are found in a small and fragmented range along the border between Nigeria and Cameroon in the Cross River region.
Behavior and LifestyleHerbivores: They primarily feed on a diet of leaves, stems, fruits, and other vegetation.
Social Structure: Cross River Gorillas live in small family groups led by a dominant male, known as a silverback.
Endangered Status: They are one of the most endangered gorilla subspecies, with an estimated population of fewer than 300 individuals.
Reproduction and Life CyclesReproduction: Their reproductive rates are relatively slow, with females giving birth to a single infant after a gestation period of around 8.5 months.
Predators and ThreatsThe main threats to Cross River Gorillas are habitat loss due to deforestation, agricultural expansion, and hunting.
Conservation EffortsConservation organizations are working to protect the Cross River Gorilla and their habitat. Efforts include the establishment of protected areas and community education to reduce hunting and habitat destruction.
Interesting Facts and FeaturesElusive Nature: Cross River Gorillas are known for their elusive behavior, which makes them difficult to study and conserve.
Cultural Significance: They hold cultural and spiritual significance for some local communities.
Relationship with HumansTraditional beliefs and hunting have historically posed significant threats to their population, but there is a growing awareness of the need for their protection.
Conservation Status and Life TodayCross River Gorillas are classified as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Their small population and habitat fragmentation make them highly vulnerable to extinction.
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