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Difference Between Antibiotics and Vaccines

May 30, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The main difference between antibiotics and vaccines is that vaccines boost your immune system to prevent disease before it occurs, while antibiotics are used to treat active bacterial infections. They both have different mechanisms of action.

image showing Difference Between Antibiotics and Vaccines

Antibiotics vs. Vaccines

Here are the main Difference Between Antibiotics and Vaccines:

DefinitionMedications used to treat bacterial infectionsBiological preparations that stimulate the immune system to prevent specific diseases
PurposeKill or inhibit the growth of bacteriaTrigger an immune response to prevent viral or bacterial infections
TargetSpecific to bacteriaTarget specific viruses or bacteria
Mode of ActionInterfere with bacterial cell processesActivate the immune system to recognize and destroy pathogens
TreatmentUsed to cure bacterial infectionsUsed to prevent or reduce the severity of certain infectious diseases
Effect on Existing InfectionsCan treat existing infectionsNot effective for treating existing infections
Resistance DevelopmentBacteria can develop resistance to antibioticsVaccines do not directly lead to resistance development
ExamplesPenicillin, AmoxicillinMeasles vaccine, Influenza vaccine