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What is the Difference Between Body Fat and Visceral Fat?

December 21, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

Table of Contents

Key Difference

The main distinction between body fat and visceral fat is their location in the body and their respective health implications. Body fat, or subcutaneous fat, is located beneath the skin and is often visible, while visceral fat is stored deep within the abdomen, surrounding vital organs. Visceral fat is more metabolically active and is linked to a variety of health risks.

image showing Difference Between Body Fat and Visceral Fat

Comparative Analysis

  1. Location:
    • Body Fat: Located just under the skin (subcutaneous).
    • Visceral Fat: Deep in the abdominal cavity, around organs.
  2. Health Risks:
    • Body Fat: Generally less harmful, but excessive amounts can still pose health risks.
    • Visceral Fat: Associated with significant health risks, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
  3. Detection:
    • Body Fat: Can be measured with skinfold calipers.
    • Visceral Fat: Often requires imaging tests like MRI or CT scans for accurate assessment.
  4. Function and Role:
    • Body Fat: Provides insulation and energy storage.
    • Visceral Fat: Can release harmful substances that affect body function and insulin sensitivity.

Table Summary of Body Fat and Visceral Fat

FeatureBody FatVisceral Fat
LocationUnder the skinAround internal organs
Health ImpactLess harmful generallyHigh health risks
DetectionSkinfold measurementsImaging tests
FunctionInsulation, energy storageReleases substances affecting body function

Differentiating between body fat and visceral fat is important for understanding their effects on health, as visceral fat, despite being less visible, carries more serious health implications.