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Difference Between Inbreeding And Outbreeding

May 28, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The main difference between inbreeding and outbreeding is that inbreeding involves mating closely related individuals, which can lead to reduced reproductive fitness, while outbreeding involves mating individuals from different populations or species.

Inbreeding vs. Outbreeding

Here are the main Difference Between Inbreeding And Outbreeding:

DefinitionMating between closely related individuals within a population or speciesMating between unrelated or distantly related individuals within a population or species
Genetic DiversityDecreases genetic diversity within the populationIncreases genetic diversity within the population
ConsequencesIncreases the expression of recessive genetic disorders and susceptibility to diseasesReduces the expression of recessive genetic disorders and increases resistance to diseases
AdaptabilityInbreeding hinders population adaptability.Enhances the adaptability of a population
Inbreeding DepressionIncreases the likelihood of inbreeding depressionReduces the occurrence of inbreeding depression
Reproductive SuccessReduces reproductive success and offspring viability.Increases reproductive success and viability of offspring
Population SizeCommon in small populations or isolated groups with limited mating optionsCommon in larger populations with a wider pool of potential mates
Conservation EffortsCan be used in captive breeding programs to preserve specific traits or lineagesEncouraged in conservation efforts to maintain genetic diversity and prevent inbreeding depression
Type of ParentsClosely-related organisms are usedUnrelated organisms are used
Common AncestorParents used for inbreeding are the same breed for 4-6 generationsParents used for outbreeding should not be the common ancestor for 4-6 generations
SpeciesMating occurs between individuals of the same speciesMating occurs between separate species, genera, breeds, or varieties
Genetic SimilarityInbreeding occurs between genetically similar organismsOutbreeding occurs between genetically somewhat dissimilar organisms
Vigouroften results in reduced offspring vigorpromotes greater offspring vitality
Advantageused to develop pure lines by increasing the genetic uniformity within a populationUsed to create hybrid species that have desirable traits.
DisadvantagesHarmful recessive alleles can become more prevalent, resulting in decreased fertility and productivity.the success rate of mating is lower, which can lead to a loss of fertility in the offspring.
ExamplesSelective breeding, self-breeding, and backcross are examples of inbreedingThe breeding of individuals in two populations of the same genus is an example of outbreeding