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Difference Between Panel Discussion and Symposium

December 21, 2023
written by Sana Sehar

Key Difference

Panel discussions and symposiums are formats for academic or professional discourse, differing in their structure and participant roles. A panel discussion involves experts discussing a topic interactively, while a symposium consists of formal presentations on related topics.

Image showing Difference Between Panel Discussion and Symposium

Comparative Analysis

  1. Format and Interaction:
    • Panel Discussion: Interactive, often includes audience Q&A.
    • Symposium: Formal presentations with limited audience interaction.
  2. Purpose and Focus:
    • Panel Discussion: Addresses specific topics through diverse viewpoints.
    • Symposium: Offers in-depth exploration of a broader subject.
  3. Participant Roles:
    • Panel Discussion: Panelists discuss, a moderator facilitates.
    • Symposium: Multiple speakers present, followed by critical discussions.
  4. Duration:
    • Panel Discussion: Typically shorter, focused on immediate discussion.
    • Symposium: Longer, with multiple sessions or presentations.
  5. Setting and Formality:
    • Panel Discussion: Can be informal or formal, adaptable to settings.
    • Symposium: Generally more formal, academic or professional.

Table Summary of Panel Discussion and Symposium

FeaturePanel DiscussionSymposium
FormatInteractive, Q&AFormal presentations
PurposeSpecific topics, viewpointsBroad, in-depth exploration
RolesPanelists and moderatorMultiple speakers
DurationShorter, focusedLonger, multiple sessions
SettingFlexible, informal/formalFormal, academic/professional

Panel discussions are more interactive and focused on immediate dialogue, while symposiums involve formal presentations offering comprehensive insights into a broader topic area.