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Difference Between Pteridophytes And Gymnosperms

August 25, 2022
written by Sidra Batool

The main difference between Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms is the difference of reproductive structures, with Pteridophytes reproducing through spores and Gymnosperms through seeds.

image showing Difference Between Pteridophytes And Gymnosperms
The main difference between Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms is the difference of reproductive structures, with Pteridophytes reproducing through spores and Gymnosperms through seeds.

Pteridophytes vs Gymnosperms

Here are the key differences between pteridophytes and gymnosperms:

1. They are non-seed-producing Sporophyte plants.1. They are seed-producing plants.
2. Gametophyte generation is independent of them.  2. They do not have independent gametophytic generation. It is inconspicuous.
3. They may have true roots or leaves. The stem is present in all members.  3. Plant body is differentiated into roots, stems,s, and leaves.  
4. Adventitious roots are present.4. Adventitious roots are absent.
5. Stem is usually an underground rhizome.5. Rhizome is absent in them.
6. Vascular cambium is absent in them.6. Vascular cambium is present in them.
7. Secondary growth is absent in them.7. Secondary growth is generally present.
8. Stele is from protostele to siphonostele.  8. Stele is always siphonostele.
9. In phloem, sieve tubes are without companion cells.9. In phloem, sieve tubes are with albuminous cells.
10. Sporophylls may or may not organize to form cones.10. Sporophylls are organized to form cones.
11. They may be homosporous or heterosporous.11. They are always heterosporous.  
12. Spores are released from sporophyll.12. Only male spores are released. But megaspores are not released.
13. Male gametes dispersed by water. They Are motile.13. Male gametes are usually non-motile. They dispersed by wind.
14. Megasporangium does not become an integument. They do not form ovules.14. Their megasporangium integument. It is changed into the ovule
15. Microspore does not form a pollen tube15. Microspore forms pollen tube.