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9 Differences Between Animal and Plant Cell

July 16, 2022
written by Sidra Batool

Animal and plant cells are both eukaryotic , but they differ in several key features. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall that provides support and protection, while animal cells do not. Plant cells also contain chloroplasts, which are organelles that capture sunlight and convert it into energy through photosynthesis, while animal cells do not.

Additionally, animal cells have centrosomes, which are involved in cell division, while plant cells do not.

Animal vs Plant Cell

Here are the main differences of both cells.

1. Presence of Cell Wall

Animal CellPlant Cell
The cell wall is Absent.Cell wall is Present (formed of cellulose)
image showing presence of cell wall in plant cell

2. Shape of Cell

Animal CellPlant Cell
Cell shape is Round (irregular)Cell shape is Rectangular (fixed)
image showing shape of plant and animal cell

3. Presence of Vacuole

Animal CellPlant Cell
One or more small vacuoles (much smaller than plant cells).One, large central vacuole taking up to 90% of cell volume.
image showing vacuole size

4. Presence of Centrioles

Animal CellPlant Cell
Present in all animal cells.Only present in lower plant forms (for example chlamydomonas)

5. Presence of Chloroplast

Animal CellPlant Cell
Chloroplast is Absent in animal cells.Plant cells have chloroplasts to make their own food.
image showing chloroplast

6. Presence of Plasma Membrane

Animal CellPlant Cell
Animal cells have Only a cell membranes.Both the Cell wall and the cell membrane is present.

7. Presence of Flagella

Animal CellPlant Cell
Present in some cells ( for example mammalian sperm cells)Present in some cells (for example sperm of bryophytes)
image showing flagelated cell

 8. Presence of Lysosomes

Animal CellPlant Cell
Lysosomes occur in the cytoplasm.Lysosomes usually not evident.

9. Presence of Cilia

Animal CellPlant Cell
Cilia is Present.Most plant cells do not contain cilia.
image showing ciliated animal cell

Related FAQs

What is the main difference between animal cell and plant cell?

The main difference between plant and animal cells is the presence of a cell in a plant cell that is absent in an animal cell.

Do animal cells have chloroplast?

Animal cells do not have chloroplast.

Which plant cell has flagella?

Sperm of Bryophytes have flagella.