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Differences Between Mutualism And Commensalism

May 20, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The main difference between mutualism and commensalism is that in mutualism, both species benefit from the relationship, while in commensalism, only one species benefits.

image showing Differences Between Mutualism And Commensalism

Mutualism vs Commensalism

Here are the main differences between Mutualism and Commensalism:

BenefitBoth species benefit from the relationship.Only one species benefits.
EffectBoth species are positively affected.The host species is not affected.
DependencyBoth species are dependent on each other.The commensal species can survive independently of the host species.
InteractionMutualism involves an active interaction between two species.Commensalism involves a passive interaction, where one species benefits.
ImportanceMutualism is essential for the survival of both species.Commensalism is not essential for the survival of either species.
CoevolutionMutualistic species often coevolve together.Commensal species do not necessarily coevolve.
SpecificityMutualism is often specific to particular species.Commensalism can occur between many different species.
Evolutionary SignificanceMutualism has played a significant role in the evolution of many species.Commensalism has played a relatively minor role in evolutionary history.
NatureMore active and symbiotic relationship.More passive and one-sided interaction.

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