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Differences Between Mutualism And Commensalism And Parasitism

May 23, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The primary difference between mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism is the difference of outcomes achieved within each symbiotic relationship.

image showing Differences Between Mutualism And Commensalism And Parasitism

Mutualism vs. Commensalism vs. Parasitism

Here are the 8 key differences between mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism:

DefinitionA type of symbiotic relationship where both species benefit.A type of symbiotic relationship where one species benefits, while the other is unaffected.A type of symbiotic relationship where one species benefits (parasite), while the other is harmed (host).
InteractionBoth species directly interact and depend on each other.One species benefits from the relationship, while the other species is neither helped nor harmed.The parasite lives on or in the host, deriving nutrients at the expense of the host.
BenefitBoth species involved derive some form of benefit.One species benefits, while the other is neither helped nor harmed.The parasite benefits while the host is harmed.
DependencyBoth species are dependent on each other for survival.The relationship is not vital for the survival of either species.The parasite is dependent on the host for survival and reproduction.
ExamplesBee and flower (pollination), Cleaner fish and host fish.Barnacles on a whale, Epiphytic plants on trees.Tick on a dog, Flea on a cat.
BalanceThe relationship is usually balanced and mutually beneficial.The relationship is usually unbalanced, benefiting one species.The relationship is unbalanced, benefiting the parasite at the expense of the host.
CoevolutionMutualistic species may evolve together to enhance their mutual benefits.Commensalism may not drive significant coevolution.Parasites may evolve specialized adaptations to exploit their hosts.
HarmNo harm is inflicted on either species involved.No harm is caused to the species benefiting from the relationship.The host is harmed and may suffer negative effects due to the parasite’s presence.

Also Read:

Differences Between Mutualism And Commensalism

Difference Between Commensalism and Parasitism