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10 Examples of Natural Selection in Animals

August 10, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

Natural selection in animals is evident through adaptations such as camouflage in predators, and longer necks in giraffes.

Examples of Natural Selection in Animals

Here are some Examples of Natural Selection in Animals:

1.    Finches

The Galapagos finches are a classic example of natural selection. The finches originally had one type of beak. However, as they adapted to different food sources on the islands, their beaks evolved into different shapes and sizes. For example, finches that eat seeds have thick, strong beaks that can crack open seeds. Finches that eat insects have thin, sharp beaks that can pierce insect shells.

2.    Giraffes

Giraffes have long necks that allow them to reach leaves that other animals cannot reach. This adaptation has helped giraffes to survive in their environment.

3.    Antelope

Antelope have adapted to be very fast runners. This adaptation has helped them to escape from predators.

4.    Camels

Camels have adapted to be able to store water in their humps. This adaptation has helped them to survive in desert environments.

5.    Arctic foxes

Arctic foxes have adapted to have white fur that helps them to camouflage themselves in the snow. This adaptation has helped them to hunt for food in the Arctic.

6.    Penguins

Penguins have adapted to be very good swimmers. This adaptation has helped them to catch fish in the ocean.

7.    Octopuses

Octopuses have adapted to be very intelligent animals. This adaptation has helped them to survive in their environment.

8.    Honeybees

Honeybees have adapted to be able to communicate with each other. This adaptation has helped them to find food and build hives.

9.    Dolphins     

Dolphins have adapted to be very social animals. This adaptation has helped them to hunt for food and protect themselves from predators.

10. Ants

Ants have adapted to live in colonies. This adaptation has helped them to work together to build nests and gather food.

Also Learn Examples of Natural Selection in Human

Examples of Natural Selection in Plants

Examples of Natural Selection in Microbes

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