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70 Unique Hobbies To Make Your Resume Shine

September 9, 2023
written by Areej Khan

Looking to spice up your resume and show off your unique personality? Just like adding skills to a resume, adding a hobby section can help you stand out from the applicant pile.

But not just any hobby will do. You want to pick activities that demonstrate valuable skills applicable to the job.

This article covers 70 hobbies to include on your resume that will impress hiring managers and boost your chances of landing an interview. From athletics to arts, volunteering to read, we’ve got you covered.

image showing 20 hobbies to include in resume

Creative Hobbies

Showcasing your creative side illustrates skills like innovative thinking, visual expression, and attention to detail. Consider listing:

  • Painting/drawing – highlights visual presentation abilities
  • Pottery/sculpting – demonstrates dexterity and craftsmanship
  • Writing – exemplifies communication talents
  • Photography – an eye for aesthetics and the ability to tell stories visually
  • Graphic design – proficiency with design principles and software programs
  • Interior decorating – a knack for spatial arranging and visualizing environments
  • Sewing/knitting – patience, attention to detail, ability to follow instructions
  • Music playing – perseverance, building skills over time, expressiveness
  • Jewelry making – precision, fine motor skills, vision, and creativity

Athletic Interests

Participating in sports and fitness demonstrates important qualities like:

  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Competitive drive
  • Time management
  • Perseverance
  • Health and wellness commitment

Consider including activities like:

  • Team sports – soccer, basketball, baseball, football
  • Racquet sports – tennis, badminton, ping pong
  • Running, swimming, cycling, hiking, rock climbing, yoga
  • Dance – jazz, ballet, hip hop, ballroom
  • Gymnastics, ice skating, horseback riding
  • Martial arts – karate, judo, tae kwon do
  • Fitness classes – aerobics, spin, Zumba

Outdoor Hobbies

Nature and adventure lovers should highlight pastimes like:

  • Camping/backpacking – planning, survival skills, eco-consciousness
  • Birdwatching – patience, attention to detail, research abilities
  • Fishing/hunting – strategy, tracking abilities, permit compliance
  • Sailing – independence, weather science, navigation
  • Canoeing/kayaking – coordination, endurance, safety awareness
  • Gardening/landscaping – nurturing plants, design skills, patience
  • Astronomy – intellectually curious, appreciation of science

Musical Interests

List any instruments you play to exhibit:

  • Creativity
  • Patience
  • Perseverance
  • Attention to detail
  • Expression
  • Ability to read and play from sheet music

Consider instruments like:

  • Piano, guitar, violin, drums, flute, clarinet, trumpet
  • Singing – in a choir or band
  • Music production using technology and software

Volunteer Activities

Charity involvement illustrates compassion, dedication, leadership, organization, and communication abilities. For example:

  • Serving food at shelters
  • Tutoring/mentoring students
  • Coaching youth sports teams
  • Working at animal shelters
  • Environmental cleanups
  • Building houses with Habitat for Humanity
  • Leading walks for fundraisers
  • Volunteering at hospitals, libraries, museums

Academic Interests

Pursuing education in your spare time shows intellectual curiosity and a growth mindset. List informal learning like:

  • Taking online classes in subjects like technology, business, or languages
  • Attending lectures on topics like history, science, economics, or the arts
  • Learning to code through self-study books and online tutorials
  • Reading academic papers just for fun
  • Participating in local book clubs
  • Auditing a college course without earning credits
  • Competing on pub trivia, spelling bee, or debate teams

Collector/Enthusiast Hobbies

Show your passion for niche interests by including pastimes like:

  • Collecting antiques, art, or memorabilia
  • Researching family history and genealogy
  • Learning about wine, beer, spirits, coffee, or tea
  • Restoring vintage cars, boats, motorcycles, or airplanes
  • Model building – trains, planes, cars
  • Ham radio operation
  • Meteorite hunting
  • Couponing/bargain hunting
  • Video gaming

Cooking/Baking Interests

Detail your kitchen skills and interests to highlight:

  • Creativity
  • Ability to follow recipes
  • Knowledge of ingredients, flavors, cuisines
  • Familiarity with cooking techniques
  • Time management
  • Attention to detail
  • Hosting, serving, and presenting food

Handcrafted Hobbies

Crafty resume additions include:

  • Jewelry making – beading, metalsmithing
  • Pottery/ceramics – using a wheel, handbuilding techniques
  • Woodworking – carving, embellishing, finishing
  • Leatherworking – tooling techniques and stitching
  • Weaving, knitting, crocheting, cross stitching, embroidery, quilting
  • Paper crafts – bookbinding, origami, card making, scrapbooking
  • Candle/soap/cosmetics making – mixing ingredients, fragrances, packaging

Performing Arts Interests

Pursuing the arts demands dedication, courage, and discipline. Consider including:

  • Theater – acting, directing, or stage crew roles
  • Dance – styles like jazz, tap, ballet, hip-hop
  • Circus arts – juggling, acrobatics, magic
  • Improv comedy/sketch comedy troupe member
  • Playing an instrument or singing in a band
  • Stand-up comedy – writing jokes, stage comfort

Language & Writing Hobbies

Show your way with words by mentioning pastimes like:

  • Learning foreign languages through self-study
  • Joining conversational language meetup groups
  • Publishing stories, poems, or articles in literary magazines
  • Entering writing contests and competitions
  • Blogging – highlight niche/topics and any following
  • Participating in poetry slams or open mic readings
  • Creating zines – curating content, designing layout

Service & Social Hobbies

Civic-minded and social pastimes you could include:

  • Volunteering with Habitat for Humanity builds
  • Serving as a museum docent/guide
  • Being a tour guide for local historical sites
  • Tutoring students in academic subjects
  • Coaching children’s sports teams
  • Participating in community theater
  • Organizing local events – festivals, fundraisers, etc.
  • Canvassing for political campaigns

Tech & Media Interests

Detail technologically inclined hobbies like:

  • Coding – languages, platforms, building apps/programs
  • 3D printing – modeling designs, operating printers
  • Video/film production – writing, filming, editing
  • Podcasting – recording, editing, and publishing episodes
  • Building computers, robots, and electronics from scratch
  • Amateur radio operation – earning call sign license
  • Creating YouTube videos – channels, topics, gear
  • Blogging on niche topics – stats about traffic, engagement

Trades & DIY Skills

Handy applicants could include interests like:

  • Woodworking – finish carpentry, cabinetry, furniture building
  • Metal working – welding, machining, blacksmithing
  • Auto repair – rebuilding engines, bodywork, painting
  • Home remodeling/improvement – tiling, wiring, roofing
  • Landscaping – gardening techniques, operating equipment
  • Miniature model buildings – trains, planes, houses
  • 3D printing – modeling designs, operating printers

Eclectic Interests

For a touch of quirkiness, mention unexpected pastimes like:

  • Amateur geology – collecting minerals and gems
  • Learning card magic tricks
  • Studying anarchy history
  • Competitive eating
  • Fantasy sports leagues
  • Video game streaming
  • Ghost hunting
  • Songwriting
  • Raising honeybees
  • Costume making

Educational Interests

To show intellectual curiosity and a passion for lifelong learning, consider listing informal education pursuits like:

  • Taking online classes in subjects like technology, business, or languages
  • Attending lectures on topics like history, science, economics, or the arts
  • Learning to code through self-study books and tutorials
  • Reading academic papers or textbooks for fun
  • Participating in local book clubs focused on genre fiction or non-fiction
  • Auditing a college course without earning credits
  • Competing on neighborhood pub trivia teams
  • Entering spelling bees, geography bees, or debate competitions

Spice up your resume by showcasing unique hobbies and interests that highlight your skills, intellect, and personality. The 70 examples here illustrate a wide variety of pursuits across creative arts, athletics, music, service, languages, crafts, trades, and more. Pick a few that best represent who you are.