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How Food Chain and Food Web are Interlinked?

May 3, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

Food chains and food webs are interlinked because they both involve the transfer of energy between organisms, with each organism occupying a specific trophic level in the ecosystem.

What is a Food Chain?

A food chain is a linear sequence of organisms, where each organism is eaten by the next. It begins with a primary producer, such as a plant, which is then eaten by a primary consumer, such as a herbivore. The primary consumer is then eaten by a secondary consumer, which is then eaten by a tertiary consumer, and so on.

What is a Food Web?

A food web is a more complex and interconnected system of food chains. It consists of multiple food chains that overlap and interact. In a food web, an organism can occupy multiple trophic levels, depending on what it eats and what eats it.

For example, a fox can be both a secondary consumer, feeding on rabbits, and a tertiary consumer, feeding on snakes that eat the rabbits.

Relationship Between Food Chain and Food Web

Food chains and food webs are interlinked in many ways. A food web is made up of multiple food chains. Each food chain contributes to the overall functioning of the ecosystem.

Organisms in a food web are not limited to a single trophic level. They can occupy multiple levels depending on what they eat and what eats them.

It means that changes in one part of the food web can have ripple effects throughout the ecosystem, affecting the population of organisms at other trophic levels.

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