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Japan Study Support Scholarships for International Students, 2024

June 26, 2024

This scholarship program, offered by JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT (JPSS) in collaboration with the Asian Students Cultural Association and Benesse Corporation, provides exceptional financial aid to deserving international students like yourself.

This scholarship opportunity is open to undergraduate students from all countries across the globe (excluding Japan) who are passionate about pursuing their academic goals in Japan. If you are particularly interested in fields like Business & Management, Computer Science & IT, or Education, the JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT Scholarships could be the perfect springboard for your success.

The program offers competitive awards that can significantly reduce the financial burden of studying abroad. With scholarships ranging from 100,000 yen to 500,000 yen, these awards can provide valuable support for your tuition fees and living expenses in Japan. This financial assistance allows you to focus on your academic pursuits and fully embrace the transformative experience of studying in a world-class education system.

Beyond financial aid, the JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT program goes a step further by offering a comprehensive information platform specifically designed for international students seeking to study in Japan. Their website, JPSS, serves as a one-stop shop for valuable resources, including detailed university profiles, scholarship opportunities beyond theirs, and practical guidance on navigating life in Japan.

We encourage you to explore the exciting possibilities offered by the 2024 JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT Scholarships. By providing financial support and practical resources, this program empowers you to turn your educational aspirations in Japan into reality. Take this chance to invest in your future, broaden your horizons, and embark on a life-changing journey of academic and cultural enrichment.

Scholarship Details

Taken InJapan
Course LevelUndergraduate or Graduate Degree Programs
University or OrganizationJAPAN STUDY SUPPORT (JPSS), jointly run by the Asian Students Cultural Association and Benesse Corporation
Access ModeOnline
Number of Awards3
OnlineInternational students (non-Japanese citizens)

How to Apply

The application process for the 2024 JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT Scholarships is streamlined and convenient. Here’s how to submit your application:

  1. Create Your JPSS My Page: Head over to the JPSS website and establish your own JPSS My Page. This online portal will act as your application hub, allowing you to access application forms, upload required documents, and track the progress of your application.
  2. Prepare Your Application Materials: Once you’ve created your JPSS My Page, gather the necessary documents to showcase your qualifications. These include:
    1. Application Form: This form will collect basic information about yourself and your academic background. Fill it out accurately and completely.
    1. Motivation Essay (350 English words / 800 Japanese characters): This essay is your chance to shine! Write a compelling piece that details your motivations for studying in Japan and your future goals. Clearly articulate how your academic pursuits align with the scholarship and highlight your aspirations.
    1. Self-Introduction Video (30 seconds): Introduce yourself in a creative and engaging 30-second video. Briefly explain who you are, your academic interests, and why you’re passionate about studying in Japan.
  3. Submit Your Application: Once you’ve completed all the required documents, submit them electronically through your JPSS My Page. Ensure you meet all deadlines to be considered for the scholarship.

By following these steps and presenting a well-rounded application, you’ll be well on your way to securing the 2024 JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT Scholarship and embarking on your rewarding academic journey in Japan.

Who can apply?

The JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT Scholarships, managed by JPSS in collaboration with the Asian Students Cultural Association and Benesse Corporation, are now open for international students enrolling in Japanese universities.

  • International students (excluding Japan) pursuing undergraduate studies

Eligible Fields of Study

  • Business & Management
  • Computer Science & IT
  • Education

Selection Process

  • Two-stage selection process:
    • First Round: Document Screening – Applications will be evaluated based on submitted documents.
    • Second Round: Interview – Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.
  • Notification: Successful applicants will be notified after the final selection process.

University or Organization Affiliation

Students can apply regardless of their specific university affiliation. The scholarships are open to students accepted into any accredited Japanese university.


You can also visit official website for more details.