Home | Japan Scholarship | Matsumae International Research Fellowship 2024 in Japan (Fully Funded)

Matsumae International Research Fellowship 2024 in Japan (Fully Funded)

June 20, 2024

Imagine this: You’re surrounded by cutting-edge facilities, collaborating with brilliant minds in Japan, a global leader in scientific innovation. Not a dream, but a reality with the Matsumae International Research Fellowship (MIF) 2024! This fully-funded program by the Matsumae International Foundation (MIF) throws open its doors to exceptional international PhD holders, like you, seeking to propel your research to new heights.

Founded in 1979 by the visionary Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae, the MIF fosters a vibrant international academic exchange. It’s your chance to not only delve deeper into your field – natural sciences, engineering, medicine, or a related area – but also forge connections with fellow researchers from around the world. This immersive experience in Japan’s dynamic research landscape will push your boundaries and ignite your passion.

The MIF 2024 is more than just a fellowship; it’s a springboard for your research aspirations. Imagine working alongside luminaries in Japanese research labs, where groundbreaking discoveries are a daily occurrence. This program allows you to tap into their expertise, refine your approach, and contribute to advancements that could shape the future.

But the benefits extend far beyond the lab. The MIF 2024 provides a generous monthly allowance to cover research materials and living expenses, ensuring you can focus solely on your project. An arrival allowance helps ease your transition to Japan, and round-trip airfare is included. This program is meticulously designed to empower your research journey.

Are you a researcher hungry to make a significant impact? Do you crave a vibrant international network that fuels collaboration and innovation? Then the MIF 2024 awaits! This unparalleled opportunity transcends geographical borders, propelling you to the forefront of your field. Seize this chance to elevate your research, ignite your career, and become a part of the next breakthrough in Japan!

Scholarship Summary

Offered byMatsumae International Foundation
Duration6 Months
Internship coverageFully Funded
Eligible nationalityAll Nationalities
Award countryJapan
Last Date to Apply30 June 2024

Financial Support

The Matsumae International Research Fellowship offers a comprehensive financial support package to accepted fellows. This ensures you can focus on your research without worrying about covering costs. Here’s a breakdown of what’s included:

  • Monthly Stipend: You’ll receive a monthly allowance of JPY 220,000 to cover your living expenses and research materials in Japan.
  • Arrival Allowance: To help with initial settling-in costs, you’ll be provided with JPY 120,000 upon arrival in Japan.
  • Round-Trip Airfare: The program will cover your round-trip economy class airfare between your home city’s nearest international airport and Tokyo, Japan.
  • Health Insurance: Peace of mind is provided with overseas travel insurance, including medical treatment and death benefit coverage.
  • Cultural Immersion: The MIF even offers a study tour during your fellowship period to enhance your understanding of Japanese culture and society.

Required Documents

  • Application-Form
  • Research plan
  • CV, publication list, and recommendation letter
  • Soft copies of PhD, Master’s, and Bachelor’s degrees
  • Signed invitation letter from your Japanese host professor

Eligibility Criteria

  • Non-Japanese PhD holder (age 49 or younger) with strong English or Japanese proficiency
  • No prior extended stays in Japan (except short visits)
  • Employed in home country with commitment to return and contribute to its development
  • Endorsed by a Japanese host institution (invitation letter required)
  • Research focus in natural sciences, engineering, or medicine (preferred)

Application Deadline

The Matsumae International Research Fellowship 2024 in Japan is open to applications from international students between April 1st, 2024 and June 30th, 2024. Make sure to submit your application by the deadline!

How To Apply?

  1. Gather Your Materials: Download the application form and prepare the required documents (listed elsewhere).
  2. Complete the Application: Fill out the application form electronically.
  3. Submit Electronically: Send the completed application form and all documents by email to application@mif-japan.org.
  4. Applications are only accepted during the designated application period, so submit well before the deadline.


Official Website