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Second Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs Of ICS First Year Computer Science

September 15, 2024

Second Chapter Solved Exercise MCQs of ICS First Year Computer Science offers a collection of multiple-choice questions with answers, tailored for ICS students. This resource helps students review key concepts, practice for exams, and improve their understanding of the second chapter in Computer Science.

Second chapter solved MCQs with explanation

1. A LAN is a combination of

(a) Network adapter cards

(c) LAN application software

(b) LAN cables

(d) All of above

Explanation: A Local Area Network (LAN) typically consists of network adapter cards, LAN cables, and LAN application software to enable communication between devices within a limited geographical area.

2. What layer of OSI model does data compression

(a) Network

(b) Presentation

(c) Data Link

(d) Physical

Explanation: The Presentation layer of the OSI model handles data compression, encryption, and decryption to ensure data is transmitted efficiently and securely.

3. Cabling on a linear bus topology can be extended using which of following?

(a) Terminator

(b) Barrel connector

(c) Network adapter card

(d) Medium attachment

Explanation: A barrel connector is used to join two cables together in a linear bus topology, allowing for extension of the network.

4. The Media Access Control sub layer resides in which layer?

(a) Physical

(b) Data link

(c) Network

(d) Transport

Explanation: The Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer is part of the Data Link layer, responsible for managing access to the physical medium.

5. FDDI is a

(a) Ring network

(b) Star network

(c) Mesh network

(d) Bus network

Explanation: Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a high-speed ring network topology.

6. How many pairs of computers can simultaneously communicate on Ethernet LAN?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) Multiple

Explanation: Ethernet LANs can support multiple pairs of computers communicating simultaneously using a carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) protocol.

7. One or more computers connected to a hub computer is a

(a) Ring network

(b) Node

(c) Information utility

(d) Star network

Explanation: A star network topology has a central hub, and all other devices are connected directly to it.

8. Project 802 defines standards for which layers of the OSI model?

(a) Application and presentation layers

(b) Physical and Data Link layers

(c) Transport and Network layers

(d) Network and Data Link layers

Explanation: Project 802 primarily focuses on defining standards for the Physical and Data Link layers of the OSI model.

9. Terminal is a

(a) Device to give power supply to computer

(b) Point at which data enters or leaves the computer

(c) The last instruction in a program

(d) Any input/output device

Explanation: Any input/output device is a general term referring to any hardware component that allows a computer to interact with the outside world.

10. Software to peruse the internet

(a) Gateway

(b) EFT

(c) Browser

(d) Teleconferencing

Explanation: A web browser is software used to access and view information on the internet. A web browser is software used to access and view information on the internet.