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What are Endangered Species?-Reasons Of The Extinction Of Species

August 19, 2022
written by Sidra Batool

Endangered Species are animals that are threatened with extinction because of habitat destruction or other human activities. They include mammals such as tigers, elephants, and rhinos. There are also reptiles, birds, and insects on the endangered species list.

Many of these creatures are highly valued by collectors, and their numbers are dwindling. Some are already extinct, while others are at risk of being lost forever. The good news is that many of them are no longer classified as endangered.

There are over 7,500 known species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, but some estimates suggest that only half of them exist today. The real number of species may be much higher. That’s why it’s considered important to monitor their population status.

A species that is imminent throughout its range is called endangered specie. A threatened species can become endangered specie in the near future. Most plant and animal species are becoming extinct. It is a natural process and it will continue. But in recent years extinction of plants and animals has increased.

image showing some endangered species

Reasons Of The Extinction Of Species

The following reasons are the biggest cause of extinction threat to many animals;

1. Habitat extinctions:

 Habitat destruction mostly causes extinctions. Tropical rain forests are the most threatened areas on the earth. These forests have been reduced b 44%. In some areas, like Ecuador (a country in South America) forest has been reduced by 95%.

This decrease in habitat has caused thousands of extinctions. The taxonomists have not described most species in these areas. Thus it is impossible to accurately estimate the number of extinctions in these areas. We are losing species that we do not know that they exist. We are losing resources. These resources can give us new medicines, foods, and textiles.

2. Geographical changes:

Other causes of extinction include climate change pollution and invasions from foreign species. Habitats other than rainforest grassland, marshes, deserts, and coral reefs are also being seriously threatened. 455

Measures To Save Endangered Species

More efforts are required to save a species than preserving a few remnant individuals. It requires a large diversity of genes within species groups. These genes promote species’ survival in changing environments. This genetic diversity requires large populations of plants and animals. Preservation of endangered species needs a multifaceted conservation plan. This plan includes the following steps:

1. A global system of national parks should be established. These parks will protect large tracts of land and wildlife corridors. These corridors allow the movement of animals between natural areas.

2. Landscapes and multiple-use areas should be protected. It will allow control of private activity. Thus it will retain the habitat of wildlife.

3. Zoos and botanical gardens can save endangered species.

4. Animals use deserts, sub-mountainous tracts, and wetlands in peril must protect rapidly.

Endangered species in Pakistan

Extinct species: Cheetah, Tiger, Asian lion, Indian rhino, Cheer pheasant, and Crocodile Gavial have been declared extinct in Pakistan.

Endangered species: Indus dolphin, Blackbuck, Common leopard, Great Indian bustard Houbara bustard, White-headed duck, and Marbled teal are the animal near to extinction.

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