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3 effective strategies that will help you to learn online

June 5, 2022
written by Adeel Abbas
teacher teaching online
Teacher teaching online

In recent times, there is no need to go to school and sit in front of a desk and learn. Today, students all around the world can learn online.

There are certain reasons behind the popularity of online learning. The main reason behind this is that it is easy to learn. You can learn in the comfort of your home. The second reason behind the popularity of online learning is that it is affordable. When you learn online, you won’t have to spend money on education.

Drawbacks of online learning

But, there are some issues associated with online learning. The biggest issue is that you don’t get the same experience as that of learning in a classroom. With classroom teaching, you will interact with your teacher. The teacher will tell you to raise your hand and you will be in the position to raise your hand and ask questions.

In online classes, you can’t raise your hand and ask questions. When you are learning in an online class, you are left alone. You are not in touch with the other students and you won’t be able to understand what is the right approach.

To overcome these issues, the teachers of online classes use some effective strategies. These strategies are the following:

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3 Effective strategies that will help you to learn online

1: Communication

You will be learning a language online and you will be speaking with different people on different occasions. To make yourself comfortable, you will need to be in a communicative mood. You need to use the same tone and expression as that of the other person.

You will need to express your views to others and also listen to the views of others. You will be interacting with people from different parts of the world. You will need to be aware of the accent of the people from different countries.

You will also need to be aware of the use of English. You will be using the same language and you will need to speak the same language as that your classmates. If you can communicate well with your classmates, then your learning will be fruitful.

2: Feedback

One of the major problems of learning online is that you don’t get any feedback. In a classroom, you will get a student who will raise his hand and say “I am not understanding the topic. Please explain in detail.”

In an online class, you won’t get any such feedback. You will just get a video link. So, how will you know what is the right approach?

This problem can be solved by asking your teacher to give feedback to you. You will be getting a message from your teacher and you will be asked to share your views. You will also be able to ask the teacher to clarify anything that is not clear to you.

3: Classroom interaction

When you are studying in an offline class, you will interact with your teacher. Your teacher will tell you to stand up and raise your hand when you don’t understand something. When you are studying online, you will be left alone and you won’t get any guidance.

If you are studying a difficult topic, it will be difficult for you to understand it. So, it is important for you to connect with your teacher and ask questions. Your teacher will give you some tips to make you understand what is the correct answer.


All these are some of the effective strategies that will help you to learn online. So, if you are searching for a way to learn online, it is important for you to choose the right platform and you need to follow some effective strategies.