5 letter words starting with O
Many 5-letter words in English start with the letter โOโ. Learning these words can help you play word games and crossword puzzles better. Below is a list of some 5-letter โOโ words to help you.
Word | Meaning | Sentence |
Oasis | A fertile spot in a desert | They found an oasis with a water spring. |
Oaths | Solemn promises | The knights took oaths to protect the kingdom. |
Obese | Excessively fat | The doctor warned him about becoming obese. |
Obey | Comply with the command, direction, or request of | Children should obey their parents. |
Obits | Obituaries | He read the obits in the morning paper. |
Object | A material thing that can be seen and touched | The strange object turned out to be a sculpture. |
Oblige | Make (someone) legally or morally bound to an action or course of action | He was obliged to attend the meeting. |
Oboes | Woodwind instruments | The orchestra featured two oboes. |
Occur | Happen; take place | The accident occur at the intersection. |
Ocean | A very large expanse of sea | They sailed across the vast ocean. |
Ocher | An earthy pigment containing ferric oxide | The artist used ocher to give a warm tone. |
Ode | A lyric poem, typically one in the form of an address to a particular subject | He wrote a beautiful ode to nature. |
Odor | A distinctive smell | The odor of fresh bread filled the bakery. |
Offal | The entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food | Offal is considered a delicacy in some cultures. |
Offer | Present or proffer for acceptance | He offer her a gift. |
Often | Frequently; many times | She visits her family often. |
Ogres | Large, hideous mythical monsters | Tales of ogres often scared the children. |
Oiled | Treated with oil | He oiled the machinery to keep it running smoothly. |
Okapi | An African animal related to the giraffe but with a shorter neck | The okapi is a unique and rare species. |
Olden | Relating to the distant past | In olden times, knights roamed the land. |
Olive | A small oval fruit | She added olives to the salad. |
Omega | The last letter of the Greek alphabet | Omega is often used to signify the end. |
Omelet | A dish of beaten eggs cooked in a frying pan | He made an omelet for breakfast. |
Onset | The beginning of something | The onset of winter brought snow. |
Opals | Gemstones made from hydrated silica | Her necklace was adorned with opals. |
Open | Allowing access, passage, or view | The door was left open. |
Opera | A dramatic work combining text and music | They attended an opera last night. |
Opine | Express an opinion | He was asked to opine on the matter. |
Ops | Short for operations | Heโs in charge of the ops team. |
Opted | Made a choice | She opted for the vegetarian dish. |
Optic | Relating to the eye or vision | The surgeon specialized in optic nerves. |
Orals | Examinations conducted by word of mouth | The students prepared for their orals. |
Orbit | The curved path of a celestial object | The satellite was placed in orbit. |
Orcas | Killer whales | Orcas are apex predators in the ocean. |
Order | The arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other | He liked his books in order. |
Organ | A large musical instrument with pipes | The organ sounded throughout the church. |
Orion | A prominent constellation | Orion can be seen clearly in the winter sky. |
Orlop | The lowest deck of a ship | Supplies were stored in the orlop. |
Orphan | A child whose parents are dead | The orphan was adopted by a loving family. |
Osmic | Relating to osmium | Osmic acid is used in certain chemical reactions. |
Ossify | Turn into bone or bony tissue | The cartilage will eventually ossify. |
Other | Used to refer to a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned | There must be other solutions to this problem. |
Otter | A furry aquatic mammal | The otter played in the river. |
Ought | Used to indicate duty or correctness | You ought to apologize for your mistake. |
Ounce | A unit of weight | He added an ounce of sugar to the recipe. |
Outdo | Surpass in performance | She always tries to outdo her previous achievements. |
Outer | On the outside | The outer layer of the wall was damaged. |
Outgo | The act of going out; departure | The outgo of the president was unexpected. |
Ovals | Shapes resembling an egg in outline | The room had mirrors in ornate ovals. |
Ovens | Appliances used for baking or roasting | The ovens were preheated for baking. |
Overdo | Do something to an excessive degree | Be careful not to overdo the exercise. |
Owing | Due to be paid | The amount owing was considerable. |
Owned | Possessed as oneโs own | She proudly owned her small business. |
Oxbow | A U-shaped bend in the course of a river | The oxbow lake was a popular fishing spot. |
Oxide | A binary compound of oxygen with another element | Iron oxide is responsible for rust. |