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6 Effective Ways to Study More efficiently

June 10, 2022
written by Adeel Abbas
image showing a girl studying on study table

Studying is a difficult task for anyone and it is very hard to study for someone who hasn’t studied. There are various methods of studying like reading, watching TV, listening to music, etc.

But for those who haven’t studied before, it is very difficult to organize and study their time for self-study.

If you are one of those students who don’t have enough time for their studies and you want to study in a better way then follow these 6 effective ways.

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1: Start your study at the right time

Most of the students are late to start their studies. They start studying after 6 o’clock in the evening when they don’t have enough time. So, you need to start your study early and get up early in the morning.

If you start early in the morning, you will get more time to study and get all the homework done. You will be able to focus better on your studies.

If you are starting to study in the afternoon, you won’t have enough time to finish all the assignments and prepare for tests. That’s why you need to get up early in the morning so that you can study for long hours.

If you plan to study in the morning, you need to wake up at 4 a.m. If you study in the afternoon, you need to wake up at 7 a.m.

It is better to stay up late if you want to study because you will spend a lot of time doing homework. You need to get up early so that you can get all the homework done and get to school on time.

2: Use study notes

You can write notes on the things you learn and make notes according to the syllabus and topics. I think that you should make notes of what you have learned. You can make notes about what the topic is, the chapters, and the questions in the books.

You can also make notes about what you have learned during your lectures. I recommend that you write a summary of what you have studied.

I would also recommend that you write a summary of what you have learned during your lectures. This can help you remember what you have learned.

You can write down the answers to the questions. This can help you to be prepared for your exams. You will learn a lot more from your professors than you will from your peers.

3: Make a timetable

Having a proper timetable will help you to have an idea of the time for each of the subjects and also you will have an idea of what you will be doing next.

There are different reasons for having a timetable. Some students do this to see whether they remember all the subjects they need to study for their classes. Others have a timetable because they want to see which days they should study for their classes.

For example, students with science classes usually have timetables for the subject they need to study. They want to ensure that they study the subject on the days they are supposed to study it.

4: Organize your study environment

It is very important to have a proper study environment because if you are not getting sufficient sleep, then you will not be able to study. So, you need to have a good and clean study area.

Having a good and clean study area is very important. You need to be able to concentrate and focus on your studies when you are at home. But, you need to consider your living situation.

If you are in a crowded place, then it is important to have some quiet. You can use earplugs, wear headphones, or shut the door to make sure that you can concentrate on your studies. Your study area should be a comfortable place. It is not a good idea to have to study in a cold room or one with a lot of distractions.

If you are in a place where you can have a nice view, then it is a good idea to have a window open, so that you can feel the fresh air and keep yourself alert. 

You need to have the right lighting. The light should be bright enough to read by, but not too much because it will affect your eyes. The best time to study is between 8 AM and 1 PM because it’s usually the best time to be awake and alert.

5: Use apps

There are various apps that will help you to manage your time, make notes, schedule your study, etc.

An app can be used to organize your life. You can schedule tasks, set reminders, make notes, find information about anything, etc.

Apps are very helpful because they will help you to stay organized. For example, there is an app that can help you to manage your daily schedule. Another app can help you to study. Another app can remind you about certain tasks that you have to do.

6: Make use of online portals

There are many online portals that will help you to organize your time and make use of it. You can log in to your account and set your priorities according to your syllabus and you can also take notes.

If you want to be organized, you can use an online portal that will help you manage your time. You can create a to-do list and a schedule for yourself.

You can also log in to your portal regularly to make sure that you aren’t spending too much time on a particular subject. If you don’t, you might end up failing your course.


In conclusion, these are the 6 ways to study more effectively. If you follow these tips, then you will definitely get a higher score in your exams and also you will be able to achieve your dream of getting a perfect score.