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Admission vs. Admittance-Difference Between With Examples

June 4, 2023
written by Areej Khan

Admission” and “admittance” are two such terms that appear similar but have different meaning. They are often used interchangeably. Admission is the act of being allowed entry or accepted, while admittance is the act of being granted access or admitted.

image showing difference between Admission and Admittance

In this article, we will explore the definitions, differences, and grammatical aspects of “admission” and “admittance” to get better understanding of their nuances.

Meanings and Examples

Admission Meaning

Noun: The meanings of Admission are “the act of allowing entry or access, especially into a place or an institution”.

Admission Examples

  1. He gained admission to the prestigious university.
  2. Admission to the concert required a valid ticket.
  3. The hospital staff facilitated her admission to the emergency room.
  4. The admission fee for the museum was reasonable.
  5.  The college had strict admission criteria for prospective students.

Admittance Meaning

Noun: The meanings of Admittance are “the act of being allowed entry or access into a place or a situation”.

Admittance Examples

  1. Only those with VIP passes were granted admittance to the exclusive party.
  2. Admittance into the club was restricted to members and their guests
  3. The security personnel checked identification before granting admittance to the building
  4. The concert venue allowed admittance starting from 7:00 PM
  5. Admittance to the restricted area required proper authorization.

Differences Between Admission and  Admittance

Here is a table showing Differences Between Admission and  Admittance:

MeaningAct of allowing entry or accessAct of being allowed entry or access
Part of SpeechNounNoun
UsageAllowing, granting entryBeing allowed, granting entry

Grammatical Aspects

As Noun

Admission: “Admission” functions solely as a noun.

Admittance: “Admittance” functions exclusively as a noun.

As Pronoun

Admission: “Admission” is not used as a pronoun.

Admittance: “Admittance” is not used as a pronoun.

As Verb

Admission: “Admission” does not have a verb form.

Admittance: “Admittance” does not have a verb form.

As Adjective

Admission: “Admission” does not have an adjective form.

Admittance: “Admittance” does not have an adjective form.

As Adverb

Admission: “Admission” does not have an adverb form.

Admittance: “Admittance” does not have an adverb form.

Usage in a Paragraph

The admission process for the university involved submitting an application, academic transcripts, and recommendation letters. Once his admission was confirmed, he received a formal letter of acceptance. On the day of orientation, he was excited to begin his academic journey. However, gaining admittance to the campus buildings required displaying the student identification card at all times. The university emphasized the importance of maintaining security and restricting admittance to authorized individuals.

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