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15 Examples of Sleep Deprivation

November 5, 2023
written by Areej Khan

Sleep deprivation is a serious condition that can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health. It lead to a variety of problems, including.

  • Impaired cognitive function
  • Increased risk of accidents
  • Weakened immune system
  • Increased risk of chronic diseases

There are many causes of sleep deprivation, including.

  • Medical conditions such as insomnia and sleep apnea
  • Lifestyle factors such as working long hours, using electronic devices late at night, and drinking caffeine
  • Mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression
  • Stressful life events
Image showing Examples of sleep deprivation

Examples of sleep deprivation

Here are 15 examples of sleep deprivation.

1: Feeling tired all the time

This is one of the most common symptoms of sleep deprivation. If you find yourself feeling tired even after getting a full night’s sleep, you may be sleep deprived.

2: Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

If you find it takes you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep or you wake up frequently during the night, you may be sleep deprived.

3: Experiencing daytime sleepiness

If you find yourself dozing off during the day, even when you are sitting or standing, you may be sleep deprived.

4: Having trouble concentrating

Sleep deprivation can impair your ability to focus and concentrate. If you find yourself having trouble following instructions or remembering things, you may be sleep deprived.

5: Making more mistakes

Sleep deprivation can increase your risk of making mistakes. If you find yourself making more mistakes than usual, you may be sleep deprived.

6: Feeling irritable or moody

Sleep deprivation can make you feel irritable or moody. If you find yourself snapping at people or feeling easily frustrated, you may be sleep deprived.

7: Having trouble controlling your emotions

Sleep deprivation can make it difficult to control your emotions. If you find yourself crying easily or getting angry quickly, you may be sleep deprived.

8: Having difficulty making decisions

Sleep deprivation can impair your ability to make decisions. If you find yourself having trouble making up your mind, you may be sleep deprived.

9: Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed

Sleep deprivation can make you lose interest in activities you once enjoyed. If you find yourself feeling apathetic or bored, you may be sleep deprived.

10: Having trouble remembering things

Sleep deprivation can impair your memory. If you find yourself forgetting things often, you may be sleep deprived.

11: Having trouble learning new things

Sleep deprivation can make it difficult to learn new things. If you find yourself having trouble following directions or understanding new concepts, you may be sleep deprived.

12: Experiencing hallucinations

In severe cases, sleep deprivation can lead to hallucinations. If you are seeing things that are not there, you should seek medical attention immediately.

13: Experiencing delusions

In severe cases, sleep deprivation can lead to delusions. If you are believing things that are not true, you should seek medical attention immediately.

14: Experiencing paranoia

In severe cases, sleep deprivation can lead to paranoia. If you are feeling suspicious or afraid, you should seek medical attention immediately.

15: Experiencing psychosis

In severe cases, sleep deprivation can lead to psychosis. If you are experiencing psychosis, you should seek medical attention immediately.