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6 Best Books For Neet Chemistry Preparation

February 4, 2024
written by Adeel Abbas

Choosing the best book for NEET Chemistry preparation involves finding resources that thoroughly cover the NEET syllabus, offer clear explanations, and provide ample practice questions. The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is highly competitive, requiring a strong foundation in Chemistry, encompassing Physical, Organic, and Inorganic branches.

With 7 years of chemistry teaching experience, I recommend the 6 best books for Neet Chemistry preparation. Here’s a list of highly recommended books for NEET Chemistry, known for their quality content and effectiveness in helping students achieve high scores.

Best Books for NEET Chemistry

1. NCERT Chemistry Textbooks for Class XI and XII

  • Overview: These textbooks are indispensable for NEET preparation. They cover the fundamentals of chemistry, making them a must-read for understanding core concepts.
  • Strengths: Easy-to-understand language, clear illustrations, and direct coverage of the NEET syllabus.

2. Physical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon

  • Overview: This book offers an in-depth understanding of physical chemistry and is known for its clear explanations and extensive problem sets.
  • Strengths: Comprehensive coverage of topics, variety of practice questions, and detailed explanations.

3. Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd

  • Overview: Renowned for its clear explanations, this book is excellent for building a strong foundation in organic chemistry.
  • Strengths: Detailed reaction mechanisms, extensive examples, and a logical approach to complex topics.

4. Modern ABC of Chemistry for Class 11 & 12

  • Overview: This set of books is well-structured for NEET aspirants, offering detailed explanations along with solved and unsolved problems.
  • Strengths: Covers a wide range of questions, includes summaries and quick revision notes, and explains concepts clearly.

5. Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee

  • Overview: Adapted by Sudarshan Guha for the Indian curriculum, this book is excellent for understanding inorganic chemistry concepts.
  • Strengths: Clear presentation of the periodic table and inorganic compounds, detailed explanations, and conceptually strong content.

6. Objective Chemistry by R.K. Gupta

  • Overview: This is a set of books aimed at providing practice for NEET aspirants with multiple-choice questions.
  • Strengths: Large collection of practice questions, topic-wise segregation, and includes previous years’ NEET questions.

Tips for Choosing and Using NEET Chemistry Books

  • Understand Your Needs: Assess your strengths and weaknesses in chemistry to choose books that best address your requirements.
  • Balance Theory and Practice: Ensure you have a mix of books that offer both conceptual understanding and ample practice questions.
  • Regular Revision: Use these books not just for learning but for regular revision, especially the NCERT textbooks.
  • Practice Under Exam Conditions: Try to solve practice questions and mock tests within a timed setting to simulate exam conditions.

Remember, the best book is the one that you can understand well and that motivates you to study consistently. Alongside books, consider using online resources, coaching class material, and previous years’ question papers to diversify your preparation strategy for NEET Chemistry.