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Can You Become Chemical Engineer with Chemistry Degree?

August 24, 2024
written by Sidra Batool

While it’s true that most chemical engineers start with an engineering background, it’s not the only path. In fact, with a chemistry degree, you’ve already got a solid foundation that can lead you into the world of chemical engineering. Sure, it might not be the most straightforward route, but since when has following the crowd led to innovation?

Connection Between Chemistry and Engineering

Chemistry and chemical engineering are like close cousins. They share a lot of the same knowledge, especially when it comes to understanding chemicals and how they behave. But chemical engineering takes this knowledge a step further, applying it to design big processes and systems.

How to Bridge the Gap?

While your chemistry degree gives you a strong start, you’ll likely need to add some new skills to your toolkit:

  1. Extra Courses: You might need to take some engineering classes to fill in the gaps. These could cover topics like how liquids flow, how heat moves, and how to control large-scale processes.
  2. Master’s Programs: Many schools offer special programs for chemistry grads who want to move into chemical engineering. These programs teach you the engineering basics you need.
  3. Combined Degrees: Some universities have clever programs where you can mix chemistry and chemical engineering studies. This can be a great way to get the best of both worlds.
  4. On-the-Job Learning: Some companies might hire chemistry grads for engineering roles and provide training on the job. This can be a great way to learn while you earn.

What Chemical Engineers Do?

Chemical engineers work in many different industries, including:

  • Making medicines
  • Producing food and drinks
  • Treating water
  • Creating new materials
  • Working with oil and gas

In these jobs, they might:

  • Make sure chemical processes are safe and efficient
  • Change product recipes to be more eco-friendly or cost-effective
  • Turn small lab experiments into big factory processes
  • Use new tech to make old processes better

Is It Worth It?

Becoming a chemical engineer with a chemistry degree can open up new career paths. It might take some extra study and effort, but it can lead to exciting and well-paid jobs. Your chemistry background gives you a strong foundation, and adding engineering skills can make you a valuable asset in many industries.

With some additional learning and effort, you can definitely bridge the gap to chemical engineering. It’s a path that combines the best of both worlds – the deep understanding of chemistry with the practical problem-solving of engineering.