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Canon vs. Cannon-Difference between and Examples

June 5, 2023
written by Areej Khan

โ€œCanonโ€ and โ€œcannonโ€ are two such words that, despite their close resemblance, have distinct meanings and contexts. In this article, we will explore the definitions, differences, and applications of these terms to gain a clearer understanding of their significance.

image showing Differences Between Canon and  Cannon

Meanings and Examples

Canon Meaning

Noun: the meanings of Canon are โ€œA collection of works or principles that are considered authoritative or accepted within a particular field, such as literature, art, or musicโ€.

Canon Examples

  1. Shakespeareโ€™s plays are considered part of the literary canon.
  2. The Impressionist movement made a significant contribution to the art canon.
  3. The scientific community relies on the established canon of theories and experiments.
  4. Classic novels like โ€œPride and Prejudiceโ€ and โ€œMoby-Dickโ€ are often included in the English literature canon.
  5. The canon of jazz music includes iconic figures like Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis.

Cannon Meaning

Noun: The meanings of cannon are โ€œA large, heavy firearm with a smoothbore barrel, typically used in warfareโ€.

Cannon Example

  1. The soldiers loaded the cannon with cannonballs in preparation for battle.
  2. The thunderous boom of the cannon echoed across the battlefield.
  3. During the ceremony, a salute was fired from the ceremonial cannon.
  4. Historical forts often feature displays of old cannons used in past conflicts.
  5. The cannon fire could be heard from miles away, signaling the start of the attack.

Differences Between Canon and  Cannon

Here are the main Differences Between Canon and  Cannon:

MeaningA body of accepted works or principles in literature, art, or musicA large, heavy firearm used in warfare
Part of SpeechNounNoun
UsageReferring to a collection of authoritative works or principlesReferring to a military weapon

Usage in Paragraph

The novel โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ is considered a masterpiece in the literary canon, addressing themes of racism and justice with remarkable insight. Its inclusion in the canon reflects its enduring value and the impact it has had on generations of readers.

The loud boom of the cannon shattered the silence as the military demonstration began. The firing of the cannons created a spectacle that captivated the audience, highlighting the power and force of these formidable weapons.

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