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Contemptuous vs Contemptible-Difference Between And Examples

June 6, 2023
written by Areej Khan

In the English language, certain words may appear similar but have distinct meanings, leading to confusion in their usage. “Contemptuous” and “contemptible” are two such words that, despite their similar spellings, have different definitions and connotations. In this article, we will explore the differences between “contemptuous” and “contemptible” to gain a better understanding of their meanings and how they are used in different contexts.

By understanding that “contemptuous” relates to a feeling of scorn or disdain, while “contemptible” refers to something deserving of scorn or contempt, we can use these words accurately and avoid common mistakes. Let’s delve into the contrasts between “contemptuous” and “contemptible.”

image of Contemptuous vs Contemptible

Meanings and Examples

Contemptuous Meaning

Adjective: The meaning of Contemptuous describes a feeling or attitude of disdain, scorn, or disrespect towards someone or something.

Contemptuous Examples

  • He cast a contemptuous glance at the person who had insulted him.
  • Her tone of voice was contemptuous as she spoke about her rival’s achievements.
  • The CEO’s contemptuous remarks towards the employees sparked outrage among the staff.
  • Sarah’s contemptuous attitude towards her classmates alienated her from social circles.
  • The judge’s contemptuous behavior towards the defense attorney undermined the fairness of the trial.

Contemptible Meaning

Adjective: The meaning of Contemptible describes something or someone who is deserving of scorn, disdain, or contempt due to their actions, qualities, or behavior.

Contemptible Examples

  • His contemptible act of cheating in the game led to his disqualification.
  • The politician’s contemptible behavior towards his constituents resulted in a loss of public trust.
  • The company’s contemptible treatment of its workers sparked protests and calls for improved labor conditions.
  • The movie’s plot was criticized for its contemptible portrayal of certain cultural groups.
  • The suspect’s contemptible crime of stealing from the elderly generated widespread outrage.

Differences Between Contemptuous and Contemptible

MeaningFeeling or attitude of scorn or disdainDeserving of scorn or contempt
Part of SpeechAdjectiveAdjective
UsageDescribing a feeling or attitude of scornDescribing something or someone deserving of scorn

Usage in a Paragraph

As the debate grew heated, the politician’s contemptuous remarks towards his opponent further intensified the animosity between them. His contemptuous tone and disrespectful gestures undermined his credibility among the audience. However, the audience’s reaction was not surprising, considering the opponent’s contemptible history of corruption and dishonesty. The audience recognized the opponent as a contemptible figure due to their actions and lack of integrity. Despite the politician’s attempts to appear confident and assertive, the audience saw through his contemptuous façade and remained unswayed.

Understanding the difference between “contemptuous” and “contemptible” enables us to use these words accurately, conveying our intended meaning. “Contemptuous” describes a feeling or attitude of scorn or disdain towards someone or something, while “contemptible” refers to something or someone deserving of scorn or contempt due to their actions or qualities. By using these words correctly, we can express our opinions, evaluate situations, and communicate effectively in various contexts.

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