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Difference between Adolescence and Puberty-In-depth review

June 5, 2022
written by Sidra Batool
physical changes from child to old age
Physical changes from child to old age

Many people are confused about whether it is adolescence or puberty. Both terms have a similar meaning, but there is a big difference between the two.

Adolescence is the period of time when you are in the age group of 11 to 19 years and puberty is the process of developing the sexual organs. 

In school, everyone knows adolescence is a time when kids grow up fast, become teenagers, and develop into adults. But what is puberty, exactly? Is it just a time of self-discovery and learning to become independent? Or does it mark the beginning of sexual maturation?

You might be surprised to know that this question has remained unanswered for centuries. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, โ€œPuberty is the time of physical, emotional, and social changes that occur in a personโ€™s body and mind during adolescence.โ€ But what is the exact age at which people begin to experience puberty?

Some believe it begins when girls reach puberty at age nine, while others think it starts around age eleven. One thing is certain: puberty can be a confusing time of change. But once you understand what puberty is, you can prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

What is Adolescence?

During adolescence, the body starts to mature and change. During this time, the brain is also developing, especially the frontal cortex which is responsible for planning, reasoning, and decision making. The hormones of this period of time play a vital role in changing the mood and behavior of the person.

What changes occur during adolescence?

During adolescence, the body starts to mature and change. During this time, the brain is also developing, especially the frontal cortex which is responsible for planning, reasoning, and decision making. The hormones of this period of time play a vital role in changing the mood and behavior of the person.

This stage in the teen years is known as adolescence. During this time, your body changes and develops at different rates. The hormone levels in your body will rise and fall.

There is a certain level of tension in the mind during this period, and you may feel confused and sometimes depressed. You are about to enter a new phase in your life, and your body and brain will change.

It is a very confusing and difficult time for a teenager, and some teenagers may even find this period hard to deal with. The emotions that you feel during this period of time determine your success later on. The moods that you experience will help you to know what kind of person you will become. In the long run, having an optimistic and confident attitude will help you to live a successful life.

What is Puberty?

The onset of puberty usually happens at 12 to 14 years of age and lasts for 3 to 5 years. It is also called the physical transformation of the body. During this period, the physical development of the body is completed and the first hair grows on the body.

What changes occur in puberty?

Sexual maturity is achieved when the genitalia develops and the person is able to have a partner. Sexual maturity can be achieved at the age of 18 to 19 years.

After puberty, the body starts to change and gain strength. During this period, the bones and muscles become stronger and faster. The height increases and the weight gains. The facial features start to change and the voice becomes deeper.

Stages of puberty

Puberty is the time in a childโ€™s life when he or she goes through a dramatic physical and emotional change. Puberty occurs between the ages of 10 and 16. Puberty is usually divided into five stages:

Stage 1: The physical changes of puberty, including the growth of breasts and body hair. The genitals begin to develop.

Stage 2: The emotional changes. A young person feels like a teenager. The hormones start to change his or her personality. This is usually the most enjoyable stage of puberty.

Stage 3: The development of the sexual organs. The testes and ovaries begin to produce testosterone and estrogen. The penis and clitoris develop.

Stage 4: The desire to have sex with others. In this stage, a young person wants to have sex, but he or she is still afraid of doing so.

Stage 5: Physical changes in the genital area. The skin on the penis and vulva becomes thinner and smoother. The labia begin to form. The vagina grows in length. The clitoris continues to grow. The perineum (area between the anus and the vagina) develops.


Adolescence and puberty are similar terms but the changes in the body are completely different. Adolescence is a time of life when the individual has to face the problems of peer pressure, body image, and popularity. Puberty is a time when physical changes take place and the person becomes ready to start his/her life.