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Difference Between Innate Immunity And Adaptive Immunity

May 27, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The main difference between innate immunity and adaptive immunity is that innate immunity provides a general defense against any antigen using components like leukocytes, dendritic cells, natural killer cells, and plasma proteins, whereas adaptive immunity responds to specific antigens.

image showing Difference Between Innate Immunity And Adaptive Immunity

Innate Immunity vs. Adaptive Immunity

Here are the main differences between innate immunity and adaptive immunity:

AspectInnate ImmunityAdaptive Immunity
DefinitionImmediate defense against any pathogenSpecific defense that develops over time
ActivationActive from birthActivated upon encountering specific pathogens
SpecificityRecognizes general patterns on pathogensRecognizes specific antigens on specific pathogens
Response TimeRapid response within hours or daysSlower response that takes days or weeks
MemoryNo memory of previous infectionsDevelops memory for faster future responses
ComponentsPhysical barriers, phagocytic cells, natural killer cellsB cells, T cells, antigen-presenting cells
Target RangeBroad-spectrum defenseTailored defense against encountered pathogen
EffectivenessProvides immediate protection, but limited against complex infectionsHighly effective in eliminating specific pathogens
DiversityLimited diversity in responseHigh diversity generated through genetic recombination
ImmunizationDoes not require prior exposureRequires prior exposure for specific response
ExamplesSkin, phagocytic cells, natural killer cellsAntibody production, T cell response, immune memory