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Differences Between Taxonomy And Phylogeny

May 27, 2023
written by Sidra Batool

The main difference between taxonomy and phylogeny is that taxonomy focuses on classifying organisms based on shared characteristics, while phylogeny studies the evolutionary relationships between organisms.

image showing Differences Between Taxonomy And Phylogeny
Here are the main differences between taxonomy and phylogeny:

Taxonomy vs. Phylogeny

Here are the main differences between taxonomy and phylogeny:

DefinitionThe science of classification and naming of organismsThe study of the evolutionary relationships between organisms
FocusOrganizing and categorizing organisms into hierarchical groups based on shared characteristicsUnderstanding the evolutionary history and relatedness of organisms
PurposeProvides a systematic framework for naming, classifying, and organizing biodiversityReveals the evolutionary relationships and patterns of descent among organisms
MethodsRelies on morphological, anatomical, and genetic characteristics to group and classify organismsUtilizes genetic and molecular data, as well as fossil records, to reconstruct evolutionary relationships
Taxonomic UnitsInvolves the classification of organisms into various taxonomic ranks (e.g., domain, kingdom, phylum, class, etc.)Focuses on reconstructing branching patterns and evolutionary lineages
Hierarchical StructureOrganized into a hierarchical system with broader and narrower taxonomic categoriesRepresents the branching patterns of evolutionary relationships through phylogenetic trees or cladograms
ApplicationFacilitates the identification, naming, and organization of organisms for scientific and practical purposesProvides insights into evolutionary history, species relationships, and evolutionary processes
ExampleClassifying organisms into species, genera, families, etc.Reconstructing the evolutionary history of mammals or determining the relationships between different bird species